Untitled 3

1. Agricultural year:
Agriculture years means the year commencing on the first day of July, or on such other date date as the board of revenue, with the previous approval of Govt, may by notification, appoint for any specified arrears.
2. Arrears of land revenue:
It means land revenue which remain unpaid after the date on which it becomes payable.
3. Assessment circle:
It means a group of estates which in the opinion of board of revenue, to be recorded in an order in writing, are sufficiently homogeneous to admit of a common set of rates being used as a general guide in calculating the land revenue to be assessed upon them.
4. Boundary mark:
Means any erection whether of earth stone or other material, any hedge, unplouged ridge or strip of ground or other object of mark, whether material or artificial, set up, employed or specified by a revenue officer having authority in that behalf in order to designate the boundary of any division of land.
5. Board of revenue:
Means board of revenue established under the West Pakistan board of revenue act 1957.
6. Commencement:
Shall mean the day on which this act or any provision thereof, as the case may be, comes into operation.
7. Defaulter:
Means a person liable for an arrear of land revenue and includes a person who is responsible as surety for payment of arrears.
8. Encumbrance:
Means a charge upon or claim against land arising out a private grant or contract.
9. Estate:
(i) For which a separate record of rights has been made or.
(ii) Which has been separately assessed to land revenue or.
(iii) Which the board of revenue may be general rule or special order, declare to be an estate.
10. Holding:
Means a share of portion of an estate held by one land owner or jointly by two or more land owners.
11. Land owner:
Includes a person to whom a holding has been transferred, or an estate or holding has been let in farm, under this act, for the recovery of an arrear of land revenue or of a sum recoverable as such an arrear, and any other share or portion thereof, or in the enjoyment of any part of the profit of an estate, but does not include a tenant.
12. Landlord:
Means a person under whom a tenant holds land, and to whom the tenant is, or but for a special contract, would be liable to pay rent for that land and shall include a lesee of such person and the predecessors and successors in interest of such person.
13. Land revenue:
Means land revenue assessed or assessable under this act, or under any other law for the time being in force relating to land revenue and includes any rats imposed on account of increase in value of land due to irrigation.
14. Legal practioner:
Means any legal practioner within the meaning of legal practionar act 1879 (Act XVIII OF 1879).
Exception Mukhar:

15. Net assets:
Of an estate or group of estates means the estimated average annual surplus produce of such estate or group of estates remaining after deduction of the ordinary expenses of cultivation as ascertained or estimated.
16. Patwari:
Shall be deemed to include a tapedar and special or additional tapedar.
17. Pay:
With its grammatical variation and cognate expression includes, when used with reference to rent, “deliver.” and “tenant” with their grammatical variation and cognate expression.
18. Rates an cesses:
Means rates and cesses which are primarily payable by land owners and includes.
19. Rent:
Means whatever is payable to a landlord in money or kind by a tenant on account of the use or occupation of land held by him. but shall not include any cess, or other contribution or due or any free personal service.
20. Revenue court:
Revenue court means a court constituted as such under the law relating to tenancy as inforce for the time being.
21. Revenue officer:
Revenue officer means a revenue officer having authority under this act to discharge the functions of a revenue officer.
22. Survey mark:
Means any mark set by the department of survey of Pakistan.

an official agreement intended to resolve a dispute or conflict

23. Survey number:
Or “Khasare Number” means a portion of land of which the area is separatley entered under an indicative number in record of rights.
24. Tenant:
Means a person who hold land under another person and, is or but for a special contract would be liable to pay rent for the land to that other person and includes the predecessors and successors in interest of such person but does not include.
25. Village officer:
Means any person appointed under this act whose duty it is to collect, or to supervise the collection of the revenue of an estate, and includes lanugos, patwari, zabits, kotars or tapedar, peons, arbabs, raos, and headman.
26. Tenancy:
Tenancy means a parcel of land held by a tenant under one lease or one set of conditions.
27. Unirrigated land:Means land other than irrigated land and includes land fed by rains, floods, hill torrents and uncultivable or waste l