Unveiling Evil: Terror, Abuse, and Violence in the City
The Plot
The plot of the novel: Several interconnected storylines weave together a complex narrative. It begins as a detective story, but the complexity grows with the involvement of terrorism, persecution, and the alienation of the inspector’s wife. Two types of violence are reflected in the novel: sexual and political. The rekindling of a past love affair, temporarily lost, adds another layer. The intrigue behind an attack remains open, and the ending reinforces an action-driven narrative, designed to keep the reader engaged. The novel utilizes postponed resolutions, such as in chapters 20 to 23, to build suspense.
Themes of the Novel
The novel delves into themes of significant contemporary relevance. Starting with a police investigation, it evolves into an ethical reflection on life in a city where solidarity has vanished. Obscene violence becomes prevalent, the hegemony of evil is imposed, and cruelty is celebrated.
Key Themes:
- Sexual Abuse: This is a central theme, reflected in Fatima’s death, Paul’s kidnapping and attempted murder, and the story of a monk who went mad, raping and killing a child.
- Child Suffering: A secondary theme, highlighting the vulnerability of children and the moral implications of violence against them.
- Terrorism: The novel explores the violence of ETA’s terrorism, carried out with guns and bombs, but also the cruelty of threats and intimidation against innocent people. The narrator connects this to a desire for publicity, satisfaction, and vanity.
- The Nature of Evil: The novel examines evil from multiple perspectives. Father Orduña believes in recognizing wrongdoers by their gaze, contrasting with the inspector’s experience. The narrative raises questions about deceptive appearances and the difficulty of discerning innocence from guilt.
Theological and Philosophical Reflections
Father Orduña offers a theological reflection on evil, lamenting God’s mercy. Ferreras, a leftist and atheist, emphasizes human goodness and seeks environmental or genetic explanations for evil, acknowledging the enigma of the problem and accepting evil as a product of pure, free will. Another facet of evil explored is the depersonalization of the individual within cities, the ease of group affiliation, and the tendency towards secrecy regarding victims and penalties.
Victims and Justice
Unlike many crime novels that focus on the investigator, this novel gives significant importance to the victims. It is presented from the perspective of the affected family and critiques lenient sentences and easy redemption.
Love as a Counterpoint
Love appears as a counterpoint to violence and evil. The inspector’s marriage to his wife and his passionate relationship with Susan are presented, highlighting the impact of negative experiences on both relationships.
The Role of Media
The presence of communication media is a significant secondary theme. Frequent references are made to the influence of graphic and audiovisual media on society and the characters’ views. The murderer’s behavior is linked to his limited education, his obsessive attention to radio, newspapers, and television, and his addiction to sexually violent films. This contributes to his lack of moral standards, blurring the lines between virtual and real, good and evil. The novel does *not* offer a final apology for the evil influence of the media or other external factors.