Urban Dance and Choreography: Essential Elements
**Urban Dance**
In paragraphs, it states that it is a source or a form of expression for dancing. Music is a fundamental element or is said to express according to the color and spectacularity that the artist gives to his sensations. “Urban Dance” is the first expression, and expression can refer to a costume, including the interpretation of characters according to the costumes they have.
**Dance, Choreographed**
The art of choreography, by definition, would be to create dances and compose them of steps and figures. It is one of the components of a show, such as dance. It is the art that combines the steps of a dance with the figures of the dancer, or of the group of dancers. This art analyzes the different forms to act before composing choreography.
**Representation of Dance Steps**
Dance steps provide a level of entertainment. Synchronization must be perfect in each of the movements, such as the dance rhythm and the music to be interpreted. The higher the synchronization of the dance, the greater the entertainment in real-time. When creating a dance step, the rhythmic structure of the dance must be taken into account, with the complementarity of the spatial role of the dance group and its arrangement.
**Representation of Figures**
This paragraph is similar to the creation of dance steps, although on occasion, the aesthetics of the figure to be formed become more important than the rhythmic structure of the dance. The figures are endowed with an aesthetic plasticity to the art of dance. Without choreography, the aesthetics of the figures would be lost, and the artistic conception of the dance would be left aside.
**Spatial Distribution and Use Throughout the Dance**
Dance-space is used to evolve throughout it. The forms of use organize the dance in an infinite variety of possibilities and variations in interpretation. Thanks to this distribution and spatial organization, the movements in a choreography can be said to be of inexhaustible richness. The basic forms of using space by a choreographer could be summarized in five types: circular, diagonal, frontal, lateral, and dispersed.
**Relaxation, Introduction**
Memory is based on attention, and anxiety is the main enemy. Relaxation can be achieved through physical exercises that act on the nervous system. Correct, controlled breathing contributes to relaxation. With the social illnesses of our times, relaxation is often used. Relaxation methods have been practiced since ancient times. Sigmund Freud is known as the creator of psychoanalysis, and he used hypnosis as a technique in the 19th century. Schultz developed “autogenic training” and Jacobson “progressive relaxation.”
Breathing is the first biological necessity, which could be classified as of primary order, and it is a means to return to relaxation. Breathing is one of the most educable actions. It depends on the pulmonary volume to be able to retain air in the lungs, influencing the potential amount of oxygen that can be extracted into the bloodstream. Abdominal breathing corresponds to filling the lower part of the abdomen, not the chest, as its volume increases, while it contributes to minimizing the thorax.