Using Audio-Visual Materials & ICT for Enhanced Language Learning
Topic 24: Technological and Pedagogical Aspects of Using Audio-Visual Materials and ICT for Language Learning
Our students are digital natives, accustomed to interacting with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) from a young age. As outlined in Royal Decree 126/2014 and Decree 97/2015, digital competence is a crucial skill for them to develop. To foster motivation, a key element in the learning process, teachers should leverage new technologies to make learning more engaging.
1. Technological and Pedagogical Aspects of Using Audio-Visual Materials
Classroom materials can be categorized as technical (e.g., MP3 players, projectors) and non-technical (e.g., blackboards, flashcards). Utilizing audio-visual aids offers several advantages:
- Maintains student interest and motivation.
- Provides variety to the lesson pace.
- Encourages students to look beyond textbooks.
- Facilitates student participation and reduces teacher talk time.
Understanding different learning styles is crucial when incorporating audio-visual materials. We can broadly classify learners as:
- Auditory Learners: Thrive on spoken instruction and activities like discussions and audiobooks.
- Visual Learners: Prefer written instructions and benefit from visual aids like graphics and pictures.
- Tactile Learners: Learn best through hands-on activities like drawing and games.
- Global Learners: Respond well to engaging, dynamic content and activities like storytelling and games.
Examples of Audio-Visual Aids in the Classroom
Video Recorder, DVD Player, YouTube:
- Spark interest and imagination.
- Offer diverse perspectives on a topic.
- Connect students to different cultures and experiences.
- Develop critical thinking and media literacy skills.
Effective Video Integration Guidelines:
- Before Viewing: Preview the video, prepare the classroom, and assign roles for operating the equipment.
- During Viewing: Control the pace, analyze segments, and facilitate discussion.
- After Viewing: Engage students with questions to analyze the message and content.
Other Useful Aids:
- Blackboard/Whiteboard: For note-taking, displaying visuals, and drawing.
- Wall Charts: For independent study and close-up examination.
- Charts: Large displays for use during lessons.
- Realia: Real-world objects that connect language to practical applications.
- Photographs: Versatile tools for teaching various tenses and vocabulary.
- Flashcards: Efficient for vocabulary and grammar instruction, adding visual appeal to lessons.
2. The Computer as an Auxiliary Resource for Language Learning
ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)
ICT encompasses telecommunications, computer science, and various communication methods. In language learning, this includes MP3 players, videos, CDs, DVDs, radio, and the internet. The Andalusian government actively supports the integration of ICT in education.
Teaching English with Computers
Key benefits of using computers in English language teaching:
- Motivation: Leverages students’ familiarity and enthusiasm for technology.
- Neutral Assessment: Provides a less intimidating environment for practicing and experimenting with language.
- Attention to Diversity: Allows for individualized learning experiences and personalized exercises.
Effective computer integration requires understanding students’ strengths and weaknesses to tailor learning experiences and provide appropriate support.
Web Quests
Web Quests are interactive activities that encourage students to explore online resources related to a specific topic. They can be adapted to different skill levels and typically involve four phases:
- Introductory Phase: Introduces key concepts and prepares students for the task.
- Explanatory Phase: Clearly outlines the task and objectives.
- Process Phase: Guides students through the online resources and activities.
- Evaluation Phase: Includes self-assessment, teacher evaluation, and feedback.
Selecting appropriate content and utilizing ICT tools like email can significantly enhance language learning. Connecting with classrooms in other countries offers valuable opportunities for cultural exchange and language practice. ICT integration opens up numerous possibilities for modern teaching, catering to diverse learning needs and promoting inclusive education, especially for students with Special Educational Needs (SEN).