Valentine’s Day: History, Stories, and Love

Who is Saint Valentine?

February 14th is Valentine’s Day. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers. There are several versions regarding the history of Saint Valentine’s life. The most common one is as follows: Saint Valentine was a priest who was imprisoned and beheaded on February 14th.

The story says that many children loved Valentine. He was their friend. To comfort him, the children passed him messages of love through the bars of his cell. This is perhaps the explanation for the sweet notes that are exchanged with flowers and gifts on February 14th: Love in all its forms!

In films and stories, we often hear love stories. Sometimes, they are very beautiful and end with a marriage and many children. Other times, they are much sadder. Among these famous love stories, we can mention: Paul and Virginia, Pierrot and Colombine, Beauty and the Tramp, or even Romeo and Juliet, a play by William Shakespeare.

What is Love For?

To answer that, here is a song by Edith Piaf, on a wonderful animation by Luis de Clichy.

Saint Valentine: Who is He?

February 14th is Valentine’s Day. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers. There are several versions regarding the history of Valentine’s life. The most common one is: Valentine was a priest who was imprisoned and beheaded on February 14th. The story says that many children loved Valentine. He was their friend. To comfort him, the children passed him messages of love through the bars of his cell. Perhaps this explains the sweet words exchanged with flowers and gifts on February 14th: Love in all its forms!

In stories or movies, we often hear love stories. Sometimes, they are very beautiful and end with a marriage and many children. Other times, they are much sadder. Among these famous love stories, we can mention: Paul and Virginia, Pierrot and Colombine, Beauty and the Tramp, or even Romeo and Juliet, a play by William Shakespeare.

What is Love For?

To answer that, here is a song by Edith Piaf on a wonderful animation by Luis de Clichy.

Passé Composé:

ai, as, a, avons, avez, ont. Motion: suis, es, est, sommes, êtes, sont. Avoir (eu) être (été) Aimer (AIME) Aller.Mov (allé) Appel (appelé) Attendre (attendu) Boire (bu) Choisir (choisi) Commencer (commencé) Croire (cru) Devoir (dû) Dire (dit) Sleep (dormi) Écrire (écrit) eEnvoy (envoyé) Faire (fait) Fall (il a fallu) Finir (fini) The lever.Mov (1st je me suis levé) Lire (lu) Manger (manga) mettre (my) Ouvrir (ouvert ) Partir.Mov (parti) Pleuven (il a plu) prendre (pris) Pouvoir (pu) Come. Mov (venu) Voir (vu) Vouloir (voulu)


ais, ais, ait, ions, IEZ, aient. Avoir(v) Être (et) Aimer (aim) Aller (J’all) Appler (J’appel) Attendre (j’attend) Boire (buv) Choisir (choisiss) Commencer (commença) Croire (Croy) devoir (dev) Dire (dis) Sleep (dorm) Écrire (J’écriv) Faire (fais) Fall (il fallait) The Lever (me, te, se, nous, vous, was lev) Lire (lis) Manger (mange) Mettre(Metta) Ouvrir (J’OUVRE) Start (part) Pleuven (il pleuvait) Prendre (pren) Pouvoir (Macht) Come (come) Voir (I) Vouloir (Voula)