Vegetation of Spain: An Overview of Iberian Flora

vegetacio: set pen despecies vegetals dun territori.La comprend la terra iberica Continentals to north tropic d dl d 3 has cancer and florals regions: *

Alpine and boreal:

d higher mountain areas + Pyrenees and cord com .* cantabrica eurosiberiana:
nort d the pen and alguns sectors and s.Central dl .* s.Iberic mediterranea:
rest d the Canaries this Pen. The Macaronesian regions.

Factors influencing vegetacio k *

FISICS factors: climate (each plant one temp and precipitation rekiero) relief (diferents species results in functional daltura) suels (each species prefers a soil).

* factors humans:

sn interesants x lintroducio despecies its valras economic, or d the degradation of vegetation cover in an area existent.Cuand interve the uman vegetacio be called secondary.
vegetals paisajs Despaña:
* dl landscape oceanic climate:

podem find = 1) deciduous Bosk: cn be x arbols alts straight trunk and smooth, grand oja k d falls otoño.Consta few species k formand grands masses meet, the more features oak and lhaya sn . Sotobosk in elexs and grow in a somber musgs cause X arbols * dlls glasses has:
bn tolerate the cold and not CALRE muxa Moisture rekiero d, d is a mountain tree, growing lentament, your wood furniture and elaborate pa utensilis, cord cantabrica and Navarre Pyrenees.
* oak verans not support hot, cold tolerant and needs mens mens Moisture kel governess, is located at lowest costs, grows lentament, pa ployment for construction and manufacture and dmuebls Barcs galicia and cord cantabrica .*
castes plant formacio terren secund Ka is gaining at the expense dl oak, permit laprovexament d its fruit and wood … Is a missing caducifolis x terrens loss tradicionals d d ls uses its timber, firewood d substitutions x gas diesel or coal, uncontrolled pa Kemas get pasts, incendis föreslår … Is an extencions repopulate arbols d d terren cn and bn creciment rapid economic aprovexament com leucalipt pine and … 2) Land: vegetacio dnsa d is a shrub, can be low or reach 4 metrs, species + sn abundants heather, gorse and dgradacio com dl retama.Aparece deciduous or vegetacio supraforestal
Bosk, pa used Danimals beds and then com fertilizer. 3) Prads: erbacea vegetacio extensions k occupies grands d ls terren countries in Oceanics.

* dl climate landscape mediterrani:

podem find = 1) evergreen Bosk: cn arbols tronc d halfway not thick, rough and rectilinear perenne.Sus oja k branches are tall glasses provide shade and linsolacio pa bear oak levaporacio


Resistant to Seki and sadapta a tod tip d floor, hardwood and resilient lelaboracio d pa wheel carbn.Su utensilis and fruit, the acorn, brown pa ganad.Sierra feed, Extremadura and Sierra d guadarrama .*


invierns suavs, Moisture and some suels siliceos.Madera barrels and hard pa corxo.Suroest barcs.Su pen pal cortex, dandalucia south, north and castello d catalunya pine .*:
k sadapta formacio secund plant to cold and aridity Calre Moisture and several large areas suels.Extendido x x umana interventions grows rapidly and its aprovexa economic d pa resin and wood for construction, muebls, chipboard and pulp d paper … Bosk lost evergreen tradicionals x lost d uses, other species substitutions x + k grow rapid and good economic, incendis forestals … Attempt by the system d concervar pasture … 2)scrub: result d the Bosk x dgradacio dl .* uman being Maki:
formacio shrub d mas d 2 metrs daltura very dnsa.Especies (rock rose, heather, mastic, broom) .*


formed x matorrals d arbusts and low rise k leave some areas without coverage appears roca.Especies dnd (thyme, rosemary, lavender) .*
steppes ierbas low x formed cn arbusts interspersed thorny and discontinuous k bajs expose suels pobres.Especies (palmetto, thyme, espartal, asparagus).

* d the bank vegetation landscape:

rivers on a river ls dls suels simpregnan dumedad x lo k te rasgs his vegetacio diferents d to d their environment, in areas d especialment climate sec.La k ace live Dagua presence of certain species. Bosk d the Bank: formads x species com alder and willow, xop, the alamo, the frens and reduce its extensio x olmo.A laccio umana lextensio com d dl cultiv lurbanizacio and canalizacio.

* d mntaña plant landscape:

the floors are available vegetacio cn Formacions vegetals laltura distinct functions d d lorientacio.. 1) Alpine or Pyrenean mountain: Pyrenees .* 4 storey basement floor:
asta ls 1200 m includes oaks and oak .*

Subalpine pee:

1200-2400 m.Constituye labet, black pine and Scots pine.

* pis alpin:

2400-3000 m.Domini dl prad, cort vegetative period, going 7 or 8 months Cubert d neu nival pis .*:
x over dls tod the 3000 snow m.Muxa añ, vegetacio inexistent, pekeñas plants grow on rock rupicola linterior or cracks and fissures d … 2) rest d the Montans peninsulars: CAREC d pee pee .* subalpine basal: busy x the Bosk propylene d its climate: the Atlantic zone, deciduous, and in the Mediterranean, the evergreen and deciduous lower at higher altitudes Pinars od pee.


includes pekeñs arbusts: atlantic area, heather and broom, Mediterranean area, arbusts and above.
* thorny matorrals:
ls Prads dominate in the Atlantic area, and scrub in the Mediterranean area.