Venezuelan National Armed Forces: Functions and Environmental Impact
Venezuelan National Armed Forces (FAN)
The FAN is an organization created by the state to ensure the independence and sovereignty of the nation.
- Secure control of spaces that permit the circulation of people and goods.
- Promote and conduct research and development contributing to the nation.
- Organize and direct the operations of the intelligence system, including counterintelligence.
Ethical Functions:
Members of the FAN base their moral heritage on thought and ethical values, propelled by humanism. Their performance is based on the principles developed in the army discipline.
Additional Functions:
- Cooperate in the maintenance of internal order.
- Contribute to the formulation, analysis, and study of Venezuelan military thinking.
- Formulate and develop military land operations.
- Participate actively in national development and provide operational support to other components of the FAN.
- Pursue administrative policing and criminal investigation activities within its area of powers.
Environmental Problems:
Soil: Destruction of soils is characterized by erosion, salinization, chemical contamination, loss of nutrients, and land use conflicts.
Vegetation: Vegetation has been destroyed by humans for its fruits and timber.
Fauna: Fauna has been seized for various uses, including meat, eggs, and skins.
Water: Water is considered contaminated when its composition or state is altered due to industrial waste, fertilizers, herbicides, and other pollutants.
Air: Air is contaminated by the presence of foreign substances or significant variations due to domestic incinerators and the handling of volatile materials.
Pollution by Garbage:
Garbage is defined as all solid waste produced by humans in their various activities.
Noise Pollution:
Noise is any unpleasant sound to the ear, i.e., prolonged and highly disruptive sound causes noise pollution.
The Navy:
- Contributes to the formulation, study, and dissemination of Venezuelan naval ideas.
- Cooperates in maintaining internal order.
- Actively participates in national development.
- Ensures safe navigation in water spaces.
- Prevents and avoids the violation of national and international laws.
Military Aircraft:
- Contributes to the formulation of Venezuelan military thought.
- Cooperates in maintaining internal order.
- Regularly monitors and protects air navigation and all elements that make up the National Aquatics.
- Actively participates in national development by implementing specific allocated plans.
- Pursues police criminal investigation and administrative activities assigned by national law.
National Guard:
- Cooperates with the national guard functions.
- Conducts initial military operations as required to maintain internal order within the country.
- Participates in research, development, science, and technology activities designed to assist the strategic freedom of the FAN.
- Participates in the development of centers for the production of goods and services made up of the FAN, providing communities for disasters.
- Exerts relevant civilian coordination, cooperation with other components in the protection of the population and the national heritage.