Video Functions: Motivation, Evaluation, Play, Research

Motivating Function of Video

Motivating function of the video. Videos reach a certain type of video behavior. Video can also be used as a means to influence the recipient in order to achieve a certain type of behavior. To motivate with video is to act on a group in order to increase their awareness in relation to a topic, taking advantage of the fact that the image is often more effective than the word at provoking sensations and feelings. Ideal for animation in schools, neighborhoods, and groups of all kinds, the video becomes the reason for the meeting (debate) and teamwork (audiovisual production.)

Evaluative Function of Video

Evaluative function of the video. Video is used to assess conduct, trial of attitudes, skills, and control of registered persons. It is used to make decisions and assess situations through self-assessment.
The video performs this function with the purpose that the use of the medium is the assessment of behaviors, attitudes, trial of skill, or control of those registered by the camera. It is a valid tool for making decisions, identifying errors, or valuation of live situations that could be interpreted in a less reflective way or based on partial data. It is a useful means for self-evaluation because it promotes awareness of oneself.

Playful Function of Video

Function playful video. Video serves as a medium for entertainment, amusement, or developing hobbies.

Metalinguistic Function of Video

Video metalinguistic function. Use of the codes used in the videographic message; the image is used to explain, understand, and reflect on the visual language and its ways of expression. The interest focuses on the use of codes used in the preparation of the videographic message. Use the video image to explain, understand, reflect, or elaborate on the audiovisual message itself and its characteristic modes of expression. It is a necessary function before proposing the development and production of audiovisual materials. Video is the most advanced form of human communication; it allows you to communicate professionally, always saying everything you want to your clients or prospects. You can travel to different parts of the world, speak different languages, and present your image and your message at minimal cost. The appropriate use of video results in greater learning in less time and greater retention of learning. Movies and instructional videos stimulate other educational activities. Children and young people whose learning comes from the language of moving images are better able to apply what they have learned than those who have not had such preparation. It arouses interest in learning, motivation, and activity knowledge, fosters creativity, and stimulates the imagination. It enhances the mental and emotional activity of the student in the learning process, accelerates the pace of the class, and saves time in the teaching-learning process.

Research Function of Video

Research video function. Video is a tool to analyze situations in different areas. Video can also serve as a tool for the analysis of reality in different areas (educational, social, scientific, etc.). Videographic recording can store information inaccessible to the researcher while allowing consistent reproduction of phenomena, which favors a more rigorous analysis than that provided by direct observation. However, it is optimal to combine the recording with direct experience. The use of video for a research purpose promotes teamwork and all that this entails (planning, organizing, decision-making, sharing).