Vocabulary and Conditionals in English
Social Interaction
- Considerate: Considerado
- See eye to eye: Estar de acuerdo
- Feel left out: Sentirse excluido
- Sense of belonging: Sensación de pertenencia
- Get along with: Llevarse bien con
- Share: Compartir
- In charge of: A cargo de
- Take advantage of: Tomar ventaja de
- Lend: Prestar
- Treat: Tratar
- Pull one’s weight: Tirar de su peso (Contribute fairly)
- Well-being: Bienestar
- Reach a compromise: Llegar a un compromiso
- Willing to: Dispuesto a
City Life
- Commute: Moverse todos los días
- Low-income: Sueldo bajo
- Crime rate: Tasa de criminalidad
- Mayor: Alcalde
- Gang: Banda
- Poverty: Pobreza
- Graffiti: Grafiti
- Residential area: Área residencial
- Green space: Zonas verdes
- Slum: Barrio bajo
- Homeless: Vagabundo
- Suburb: Suburbios
- Juvenile delinquency: Delincuencia juvenil
- Traffic jam: Atasco, caravana
- Litter: Basura
- Unemployed: Desempleado
Zero Conditional
Used for facts or general truths.
- If water reaches 100ºC, it boils.
- Water boils if it reaches 100ºC.
Structure: If + subject + present simple, subject + present simple
First Conditional
Used for real or possible situations.
If the weather is nice on Sunday, we’ll go on a picnic.
Structure: If + subject + present simple, subject + future simple
Second Conditional
Used for hypothetical or unlikely situations.
If I were invisible for one day, I could play tricks on my friends.
Structure: If + subject + past simple, subject + would + verb in infinitive
Third Conditional
Used for unreal past situations and their hypothetical results.
If I had remembered it was your birthday, I would have bought you a present.
Structure: If + past perfect, subject + would + have + past participle
Time Clauses
- When: Cuando
- After: Después de
- Before: Antes de
- Until: Hasta que
- As soon as: Tan pronto como
- While: Mientras