Vocabulary and Phrases: English Learning
-ED/-ING Adjectives
-ED (temporal): Describes how people feel. Example: How is John? He is bored.
-ING (permanent): Describes a characteristic of someone or something. Example: What is John like? He’s boring.
Bracelet, dyed hair, earring, glasses, ring, piercing, tattoo, sunglasses, make-up, cap, hat, handbag, watch, nail polish.
Thin, round, to have a beard/a mustache, chubby, receding hair, curly, wavy, straight, ginger, grey/white, bald, plump, stout, skinny, obese, fit, smart, well-dressed, scruffy, trendy, ugly, handsome, beautiful, sporty, pretty, casual.
Urban Landscape
Bridge, factory, motorway, block of flats, car park, railway, traffic light, street lamp, pavement, post box, recycling bin, advertisement.
Extreme Adjectives
- Bad: terrible
- Good: fantastic
- Beautiful: gorgeous
- Big: enormous
- Cold: freezing
- Dirty: filthy
- Small: tiny
- Hungry: starving
- Hot: boiling
- Smell (olfato): smells
- Taste (gusto): tastes
- Sight (vista): looks
- Hearing (oído): sounds
- Touch (tacto): feels
Words that are Verbs and Nouns
Taste, phone, touch, visit, love.
To meet somebody, to fancy somebody, to ask somebody out, to go out with somebody, to fall in love, to fall out, to have an argument, to break up, to make up, to get engaged, to get married to someone, to get divorced from someone, to date someone, to cheat on someone, love at first sight, a white lie, to get on well with someone, couple, to come up to someone, to be grounded.
Architect, cashier, chef, coach, firefighter, flight attendant, lawyer, judge, plumber, soldier, surgeon, tour guide, vet, gossipy, journalist, P.E. teacher, psychologist.
Global Issues
The arms trade, child labor, disease, endangered animals, famine, global warming, homelessness, pollution, poverty, racism, war, unemployment, to be on the dole.
Verb Plus Noun
Give out, go on, make, organize, put up, sign, write.
Money, cash, wallet, purse, till, bank note, receipt, coin, currency, check book, credit card, cash machine, teller, transfer, to take out money from, to be broke, save, cost, spend, afford, owe, pay for something, loan.
Leather, cotton, steel, glass, plastic, rubber, aluminum, wood, concrete, carbon fiber.
Adjective Plus Preposition
- Good at
- Nice to
- Keen on
- Interested in
- Afraid of
- Bad at
- Different from
- Worried about
- Tired of