Vocabulary Building: 50+ Essential Words Defined
Posted on Jan 24, 2025 in Latin
- Accentuate (v): To emphasize
- Anticlimax (n): A disappointing end to an exciting or impressive series of events
- Apathetic (adj): Marked by a lack of interest
- Assertion (n): A confident and forceful statement of fact or belief
- Complacent (n): Self-satisfied; smug
- Conspire (v): To plan together secretly
- Contiguous (adj): Side by side, touching; near; adjacent in time
- Cordial (adj): Warm and friendly
- Corpulent (adj): Large or bulky of body; portly; stout; fat
- Deftly (adv): Quickly and skillfully
- Denizen (n): A person who regularly frequents a place
- Desolate (adj): Deserted and lonely
- Dilatory (adj): Intending to cause delay; procrastinating
- Discreetly (adv): Unobtrusively; with restraint; not calling for attention
- Effeminate (adj): Having womanly traits
- Erroneous (adj): Incorrect, containing mistakes
- Euphemism (n): The substitution of a mild, indirect or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt
- Fortuitously (adv): Happening or produced by chance; accidentally
- Fractious (adj): Unruly, quarrelsome, irritable
- Garrulous (adj): Pointlessly or annoyingly talkative
- Grail (n): A thing that is being earnestly pursued or sought after
- Haughty (adj): Used to describe an obnoxious display of overbearing pride and superiority over others
- Immoderate (adj): Beyond reasonable limits; overboard; excessive
- Impassioned (adj): Filled with or showing great emotion
- Incredulous (adj): Disbelieving, skeptical
- Ineffable (adj): Unutterable, indescribable
- Innuendo (n): A hint, indirect suggestion, or reference
- Irreverent (adj): Disrespectful
- Languid (adj): Lacking liveliness or energy; weak or faint
- Levity (n): Lack of seriousness
- Magnanimous (adj): Generous in forgiving, above small meanness
- Malevolence (n): Ill will; malice; hatred
- Mar (v): To spoil, damage, injure
- Meretricious (adj): Tawdrily and falsely attractive, pretentious, gaudy
- Monopolize (v): To use or take so as to prevent others from using or taking
- Parcel (v): To divide into parts and distribute
- Peremptory (adj): Admitting of no contradiction, often characterized by arrogant self-assurance
- Permeate (v): To spread through, penetrate, soak through
- Privy (to) (adj): Sharing in the knowledge of (something secret or private)
- Provincial (adj): Limited in outlook, narrow; unsophisticated
- Punctilious (adj): Strict or exact in the observance of the formalities or amenities of conduct or actions
- Rancor (n): A feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
- Reproach (v): To find fault with, blame
- Saunter (v): To stroll; walk in an easy, leisurely way; (n.) a stroll
- Somnambulate (v): To sleepwalk
- Sporadic (adj): Occurring irregularly
- Strident (adj): Unpleasantly loud and harsh; grating
- Supercilious (adj): Arrogant, contemptuous
- Superfluous (adj): Exceeding what is sufficient or required, excess
- Truculent (adj): Cruel, savage, deadly, destructive; belligerent
- Vacuous (adj): Marked by a lack of ideas or intelligence; devoid of serious occupation
- Vehemently (adv): Intensely, forcefully, powerfully
- Vicariously (adj): Indirectly, as, by, or through a substitute
- Vulnerable (adj): Open to attack; capable of being wounded or damaged; unprotected
- Wistful (adj): Vaguely longing, sadly thoughtful