Vocabulary Building: H and I Words
Posted on Feb 7, 2025 in Philosophy and ethics
Essential H Words and Their Meanings
- Habituate: To train; to accustom to a situation.
- Halcyon: Peaceful; carefree; serene.
- Harass: To attack repeatedly; to torment or pester.
- Harbinger: A precursor; an indication; an omen.
- Harp: To repeat tediously; to go on and on about something.
- Harry: To harass; to annoy.
- Heinous: Shockingly evil; abominable; atrocious.
- Herald: A royal proclaimer; a harbinger.
- Hoary: Gray or white with age; ancient; stale.
- Homage: Reverence; respect.
- Hubris: Arrogance; excessive pride.
- Hypocrisy: Insincerity; two-facedness.
Essential I Words and Their Meanings
- Idiom: An expression whose meaning is different from the literal meaning of the words; a language or dialect used by a group of people.
- Imbue: To inspire; to permeate or tinge.
- Impasse: A deadlock; a situation from which there is no escape.
- Impeach: To accuse or indict; to challenge; call into question.
- Impecunious: Without money; penniless.
- Impede: To obstruct or interfere with; to delay.
- Impending: Approaching; imminent; looming.
- Impenetrable: Incapable of being penetrated; impervious; incomprehensible.
- Imperative: Completely necessary; vitally important.
- Impetuous: Rash; over-impulsive; headlong.
- Implication: Something implied or suggested; ramification.
- Importune: To urge with annoying persistence; to trouble.
- Impoverish: To reduce to poverty; to make destitute.
- Impregnable: Unconquerable; able to withstand attack; impenetrable.
- Impresario: A person who manages public entertainments (especially operas, but other events as well).
- Impromptu: Done without preparation, on the spur of the moment.
- Improvise: To perform without preparation; to make do with whatever materials are available.
- Impunity: Freedom from punishment or harm.
- Inadvertent: Unintentional; heedless; not planned.
- Inalienable: Sacred; incapable of being transferred, lost, or taken away.
- Incarnation: Embodiment.
- Incendiary: Used for setting property on fire; tending to arouse passion or anger; inflammatory.
- Inclination: Tendency; preference; liking.
- Inculcate: To instill or implant by repeated suggestions or admonitions.
- Incumbent: Currently holding an office; obligatory.
- Incursion: A hostile invasion; a raid.
- Indict: To charge with a crime; to accuse of wrongdoing.
- Indifferent: Having no feeling about a matter; not really caring; unbiased.
- Induce: To persuade; to influence; to cause.
- Ineluctable: Inescapable; incapable of being resisted or avoided.
- Ineradicable: Incapable of being removed, destroyed or eradicated.
- Inflammatory: Fiery; tending to arouse passion or anger; incendiary.
- Influx: Inflow; arrival of large numbers of people or things; inundation.
- Infraction: Violation; infringement; the breaking of a law.
- Infrastructure: The basic framework of a system; foundation.
- Infringe: To violate; to encroach or trespass.
- Infuse: To introduce into; to instill; to imbue.
- Ingratiate: To work to make yourself liked.
- Inimical: Unfavorable; harmful; detrimental; hostile.
- Inimitable: Impossible to imitate; incomparable; matchless; the best.
- Innuendo: An insinuation; a sly hint.
Other Words
- Thimble: Small protective cap that protects a fingertip.
- Treachery: Betrayal of trust.
- Troupe: A company of actors, singers, or dancers.
- Virtuous: Honest; moral; ethical.
- Blueprint: The plan of a building; a detailed plan.
- Jovial: Happy; in good spirits; jolly.
- Vestige: The remains of something that no longer exists. (Corrected repetition and definition)