Vocabulary: Common Words and Phrases
Vocabulary of Common Words and Phrases
This document provides a list of common words and their synonyms or related terms.
Words and Definitions
- Arms: Arms
- Armor: Armor amount
- Arrange: To arrange
- Preemption: Preemption right
- Afford: Afford
- Asparagus: Asparagus
- Aware of: Aware
- Amount: Amount
- Army: Army
- Ageless: Young, eternal
- Based on: Based in
- Battle: Battle
- Beach: Beach
- Bread: Bread
- Butter: Butter
- Believe: Believe
- Bet: Bet
- Blind: Blind
- Confusing: Confuso
- Collapse: Derrumbarse
- Coastal area: Coastal area
- Crack: Crack
- Crucial: Crucial
- Cheese: Cheese
- Chicken: Chicken
- Chance: Opportunity
- Comic strip: Cartoon
- Courageous: Brave
- Disturb: Disturb
- Desire: Desire
- Says: Given
- Dominate: Dominate
- Dragon: Dragon
- Death: Death
- Disturbance: Alteration
- Despondent: Discouraged
- Disappointed: Disappointed
- Disillusioned: Disappointed
- Dream: Dream
- Eyes: Eyes
- Earthquake: Earthquake
- Enormous: Enormous
- Eggs: Eggs
- Evil: Evil
- Firm: Firm, strong
- Follow: Follow
- Fantasy: Fantasy
- Fight: Dislocate
- Go abroad: Extranjero
- Ground: Ground, soil
- Growth: Increase growth
- Hands: Hands
- Handshake: Dar la mano
- Head: Head
- Hug: Hug (se)
- Harbor: Harbor
- Hurricane: Hurricane
- Honey: Honey
- Hope: Wait
- Hopeful: Optimistic
- Hero: Hero
- Honest: Honest
- Index finger: Index
- Indicate: Indicate
- Imagination: Imagination
- Improvement: Improvement
- Imagine: Imagine
- Enter: Enter
- Knight: Knight
- Knowledge: Conocimiento
- Lips: Lips
- Legend: Legend
- Closed lock: Key
- Luxury: Luxury
- Likely: Likely
- Lose: Lose
- Mild: Soft
- Magic: Magic
- Milk: Milk
- Majority: Most
- Miserable: Desdichado
- Mad: Bad
- Nod: Nod
- No matter: No matter
- Olive oil: Aceite de oliva
- Passenger: Pasajero
- Pastime: Pastime
- Prevent: Prevent
- Proud: Proud
- Peanut butter: Mantequilla de cacahuate
- Potatoes: Potatoes
- Proper: Right
- Pick: Choose
- Pleased: Pleased
- Predict: Forecast
- Purchase: Buy
- Powerful: Powers
- Protect: Protect
- Publish: Publish
- Raise: Raise
- Realize: Realize
- Record: Collection
- Rush: Rush
- Recipe: Recipe
- Rice: Rice
- Receive: Receive
- Rescue: Save
- Shake hands: Dar la mano
- Sign: Sign, seña
- Slightly: Ligeramente
- Smile: Smile
- Specific: Concrete
- Servant: Servant
- Sword: Sword
- Seaside resort: Balneario
- Sensitive: Sensitive
- Speed: Velocidad
- Sharp: No way
- Spend: Spend
- Spinach: Spinach
- Syrup: Syrup
- Spread: Difundirse
- Simply: Simple
- Satisfied: Satisfecho
- Save: Save
- Scientist: Scientist
- Sense: Sense
- Strength: Force, strength
- Stress: Tension, stress
- Salts: Sales
- Thumb: Thumb
- Touch: Touch
- Tournament: Tournament
- Tide: Tide
- Trader: Trader
- Thrilled: Thrilled
- Thread: Thread
- Truth: Verdad
- Unfortunately: Desafortunadamente
- Used: Acostumbrado
- Villain: Villain
- Vicious: Very bad
- Wink: Wink
- Worthless: Without heat, ninguno
- Warrior: Warrior
- Wise: Sage
- Wizard: Magician
- Wave: Wave
- Win: Win
- Wicked: Wicked