Vocabulary Enhancement: Key Terms and Phrases

Essential Vocabulary and Phrases

Avoid: To stay away from someone or something. Example: “I try to avoid supermarkets on Saturdays; they are always so busy.”

Stark: Empty, simple, or obvious. Example: “It was a stark room with a bed and chair as the only furniture.”

Clot: To form clots. Example: “He was rushed to the hospital because his blood wasn’t clotting properly.”

Catwalk: The long, narrow stage that models walk along in a fashion show.

Featuring: To include someone or something as an important part. Example: “It is an Australian company whose logo features a red kangaroo.”

Automotive: Relating to road vehicles. Example: “The automotive industry.”

Degree: An amount or level of something. Example: “This job demands a high degree of skill.”

Feedback: Information or statements of opinion about something. Example: “Have you had any feedback from customers about the new soap?”

Outline: To give the main facts about something. Example: “At the interview, she outlined what I would be doing.”

Crash: To have an accident, especially one that damages a vehicle. Example: “The plane crashed into a mountainside.”

Drowsiness: Being in a state between sleeping and being awake.

Fitness: The condition of being physically strong and healthy. Example: “I’m trying to improve my fitness by cycling to work.”

Irritable: Becoming annoyed very easily. Example: “Be careful what you say. He’s rather irritable today.”

Aggressive: Behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person. Example: “Men tend to be more aggressive than women.”

Grumpy: Moody, irascible, angry. Example: “I hadn’t had enough sleep and was feeling a bit grumpy.”

Find out: To discover. Example: “How did you find out about the party?”

Serving: Portion. Example: “The quantities given in the recipe should be enough for four servings.”

Deteriorate: Become worse. Example: “The political situation in the region has deteriorated rapidly.”

Damage: Harm or injury.

Researcher: A person who investigates.

Bullying: To intimidate somebody. Example: “Bullying is a serious problem in many schools.”

Stock something up: To buy a large quantity of something. Example: “During the emergency, people stocked up on essential items.”

Knock-off: A cheap copy of a popular product. Example: “Is that the real thing or a knock-off?”

Shift: To change.

Statement: Task.

Entire: Whole or complete. Example: “Between them, they ate an entire cake.”

Fond of: Interested in something.

Stubborn: Describes someone who is determined to do what they want and refuses to do anything else. Example: “She is a silly, stubborn old woman.”

Sensitive: Easily upset by the things people say or do. Example: “Her reply showed that she was very sensitive to criticism.”

Sensible: Acting on good judgment. Example: “I cannot believe that it is sensible to spend so much.”

Hold for: Apply for, remain valid.

Rising: Increasing.

To resort: To do something bad because you cannot think of any other way to deal with a problem.

Regardless: Without being influenced by something.

Plentiful: Abundant.

Snippets: Small fragments of information, such as data or images.

Blooming: Economic success.

Entrepreneur: Someone who starts their own business.