Vocabulary for Describing Adventures, Homes, and Sounds
Posted on Mar 13, 2025 in Arts and Humanities
Unit 9: Describing an Adventure
Adjectives and Nouns
- Arid: desert, island, landscape
- Intrepid: traveler, group, voyage
- Idyllic: spot, conditions, setting
- Grueling (agotador): hike, climb, race
- Swirling (turbulento): mist, water, wind
- Exquisite: waterfalls, flowers, views
Phrasal Verbs
- Setting out to do something: Prepararse para alguna cosa
- Run into: Meet someone unexpectedly
- Kicks in: Begins to have an effect
- Set off: Begin a journey
- Turned out to be: Become
- Win through: Succeed after some difficulties
- Lose one’s temper: Perder los estribos
- Blow a fuse: Explotar
- Get worked up: Calentarse
- Become irate: Extremely angry
- Heated: Argument, debate, discussion
- Irate: Customer, letter, parent
- Being cross/furious with someone: Angry
- Seething with anger/rage/indignation: Hirviendo de enfado
- Go berserk/mad: Volverse loco
- Fly into a rage: Ataque de rabia
- Sudden outburst of temper: Ataque de ira
- Let off steam: Relajarse
- Throw a tantrum: Rabieta
- Maintain one’s composure: Mantener la compostura
- Make one’s blood boil: Hervir la sangre de enfado
- Scream blue murder: Grito en el cielo
- Shake one’s fist: Con el puño cerrado
- Stamp one’s feet: Patalear
- Blow one’s top: Enfadarse rápidamente
Unit 10: Describing Rooms and Houses
- Bright and cheerful: Con mucha luz, brillante
- Light and airy: Con luz y aire circulando
- Neat and tidy: Limpia y ordenada
- Dark and dingy: Oscura y sucia
- Warm and cozy: Caliente y acogedora
- Cramped and cluttered: Things all over the place and piled up
- Spick and span: Very clean and neat
- Colorful: Colorida
- Dull: Aburrido
- Elegant: Elegante
- Gaudy: Unpleasantly bright in color or decoration
- Roomy: It has a lot of space in it
- Tasteful: Con gusto
- Spacious: Espacioso
- Tasteless: Sin gusto
- Twee: Artificially attractive or too perfect
- Lit (Iluminado): Dimly (not much light), Brightly (a lot), Softly (suave y poca), Poorly (poca luz)
- Furnished (Amoblado): Comfortably (cómodo), Sparsely (escasamente), Elegantly (elegante), Simply (simple)
- Decorated (Decorado): Tastefully (con mucho gusto), Newly (nuevo), Richly (decoration everywhere), Lavishly (demasiado decorado)
- Built (Construido): Recently (recientemente), Poorly, Solidly, Badly, Newly
- Situated/Located: Conveniently (estratégicamente), Ideally (ideal), Pleasantly (agradablemente), Centrally
Noise & Sounds
Voice Noises and Sounds
- Voice:
- Booming: Deep and loud hollow voice
- Deep
- Hesitant: Voz titubeante
- High-pitched: Voz aguda
- Hoarse: Voz áspera
- Hushed: Susurrar
- Loud, Low
- Monotonous: Voz monótona
- Rough: Voz ronca
- Shrill: Voz aguda
- Squeaky: Voz de pito
- Your Voice:
- Lose: Perder la voz
- Lower: Bajar la voz
- Raise: Subir la voz
- Shout at the top of: Chillar lo máximo que tu voz permite
- Sound:
- Buzzing: Sonido de zumbido
- Crashing: Sonido estrepitoso
- Creaking: Sonido crujiente
- Distant: Sonido lejano
- Distinctive: Sonido distintivo
- Faint: Sonido débil
- Muffled: Sonido sordo
- Rumbling: Sonido seco
- Rustling: Susurro
- Unmistakable: Imposible de confundir
- A Sound:
- Detect: Detectar un sonido
- Emit: Emitir un sonido
- Make: Hacer un sonido
- Produce: Producir un sonido
- Utter: Pronunciar un sonido
- Background: Ruido de fondo
- Banging: Ruido de golpeteo
- Noise:
- Constant: Ruido constante
- Continuous: Ruido continuado
- Excessive: Demasiado ruido
- Incessant, Loud, Traffic
- Noise Dies down: Noise becomes quieter
- Fades away: Ruido desaparece progresivamente
- Grows, Increases, Reverberates: Ruido hace eco
Other Noises
- Deafening (extremely loud): Applause, cheer, explosion, music, roar, silence
- Piercing (high, loud and unpleasant): Cry, scream, shriek (short, loud high cry), whistle
- Rowdy (noisy and possibly violent): Behavior, crowd, fans, party
- Bells: Chime (make a clear ringing sound), ring, tinkle (light ringing sound)
- Doors: Slam shut (portazo), click shut (makes a short, sharp sound), creak open (short, high-pitched sound)
- Dogs: Bark (ladrar), growl (gruñir), whimper (quejido), whine (quejarse)
- A radio / a television blares out (suena muy fuerte).