Vocabulary for Language, Communication, Sports, and Fitness
Unit 1: Language and Communication
- Accent
- Bilingual
- Cognate
- Comment on: Comentar
- False friend
- Fluently
- Have a chat/dialogue/discussion/argument: Discussió
- Idiom
- Keep in touch: Seguir en contacte
- Meaning
- Mother tongue
- Proverb: Proverbi
- Saying
- Saying things behind my back
- Second language
- See eye to eye
- Slang: Argot
- Speak in public
- Spread a rumor
- Gossip / The good news / The word
- Synonym
- Translation
- Two-faced
The Internet and Social Networks
- Blogger
- Chatroom
- Cookies
- Cyberbully
- Delete an account
- Follower
- Go online
- Hacker
- Internet addiction
- Log off: Tancar la sessió
- Post an update: Publicar una actualització
- Post something online
- Profile update
- Retweet
- Safe site: Lloc segur
- Screen time
- Shop online
- Social network
- Status update: Actualització d’estatus
- Tweet
- Unread mail: Missatges no llegits
- User: Usuari
- Wireless connection: Connexió sense fils
- Zoom in
On the Phone (Phrasal Verbs)
- Call back: Trucar
- Cut somebody off
- Get through: Superar
- Hang up: Penjar
- Listen in: Escoltar
- Make a call: Fer una trucada
- Quiet down: Tranquil·litzar-se
- Ring up: Telefonar
- Run out of
- Switch off: Apagar
- Top up: Omplir
- Turn down: Apagar
False Friends and Cognates
- Case: Cas
- Cure: Cura
- Etiquette: Etiqueta
- Manners: Modals
- Realize: Realitzar
- Stay: Quedar-se
Extra Vocabulary
- Abbreviated
- Blame: Culpa
- Breakdown: Desglossament
- Concerned: Preocupat
- Cultivating: Conrear
- Face-to-face dialogue
- Lack of communication
- Straight away
- Time-consuming
- Treated: Tractada
- Whilst: Malgrat
- Embrace: Abraçar
- Aims: Objectius
Unit 2: Sports
- Be disqualified: Desqualificat
- Be knocked out: Ser noquejat
- Boo off: Escridassar fora
- Carry on: Seguir
- Champion
- Championship: Campionat
- Cheer on: Animar
- Competition
- Competitor
- Crowd: Multitud
- Drop out (of a race): Abandonar
- Endurance: Resistència
- Event
- Final
- Get through (to the final): Arribar
- League title: Títol de lliga
- Participant
- Qualify: Qualificar
- Race: Carrera o raça
- Rider: Genet
- Sign up: Contractar
- Spectator
- Stadium
- Stamina: Resistència
- Supporter: Partidari
- Take part in: Formar part de
- Team
- Teammate: Company d’equip
- Tournament
Movement Verbs
- Chase (after): Perseguir
- Climb (up/along): 1. Enfilar, 2. Pujar al llarg de
- Crawl (through)
- Cross (over): Creuar
- Dive (into): Submergir-se en
- Get (over): Superar
- Jog (round): Ronda de desplaçament
- Jump (across/into/out/over): 1. Saltar, 4. Saltar per sobre
- March (along): Marxar al llarg de
- Ski (along): Esquiar al llarg
- Skip
- Swim (through): Nedar a través
- Walk (over): Aixafar
Unit 3: Keeping Fit
- Become a member
- Bulk up: Engruixir
- Enrol (in a class): Matricular-se
- Enter (a competition)
- Feel unwell: Sentir-se malament
- Get into shape: Posar-se en forma
- Get together
- Give up: Rendir-se
- Go on a diet
- Join (a gym): Inscriure’s
- Keep fit: Mantenir-se en forma
- Lose weight: Perdre pes
- Make an appointment
- Put on weight
- Stop smoking
- Take supplements
- Take up: Començar
- Training
- Businessman/woman
- Entrant
- Founder
- Organizer
- Specialist
Reading Vocabulary
- Tough: Duro
- Chase: Perseguir
- Shortage: Escassetat
- Wade (through): Caminar per l’aigua
- Strength: Força
- Mud-covered: Cobert de fang
- Wall: Muralla
- Fueled: Alimentat
- Desire: Desig
- Slippery: Resbaladís
- Bandana: Panyuelo
- Junkies: Addictes
- Slope: Costa avall