Vocabulary: Geography, TV Shows, and Feelings
Posted on Feb 14, 2025 in English
Geography Vocabulary
- Mountain range: A long line of very big hills. Cordillera.
- Beach: An area next to the sea with a lot of sand. Playa.
- Desert: An area with a lot of sand, but not many plants or water. Desierto.
- Forest: An area with a lot of trees, plants, and animals. Bosque.
- Ice cap: A big cold area that covers the lands and sea. Capa de hielo.
- Island: A piece of land with water all around it. Isla.
- Jungle/rainforest: An area with a lot of trees, plants, and animals where it rains a lot. Jungla/Selva.
- Lake: Large area of water that is not connected to the sea. Lago.
- Mountain: Raised part of the earth’s surface. Montaña.
- Ocean/sea: Very large area covered with water. Oceano/Mar.
- River: A long turning flow of water. Rio.
- Valley: An area between two hills. Valle.
TV Programme Vocabulary
- Advert: An announcement online, in a newspaper, on television, or on a poster about something such as a product, event, or job. – Anuncio
- Cartoon: A programme that features animated characters. – Dibujos Animados
- Channel: A television station – Canal
- Chat show: Television or radio programme on which famous people are asked questions about them. – Entrevista
- Comedy: A type of film, play, or book that is intentionally funny – Comedia
- Cookery programme: Television genre that presents food preparation in a kitchen, restaurant… – Programa de Cocina
- Documentary: Television or radio programme that gives facts and information about a subject: – Documental
- Drama: A fictional TV story, featuring actors – Drama
- Film: Series of moving pictures, usually shown in a cinema or on television. – Película
- Game show: Television programme where people score points by answering questions or doing things – Concurso de Juegos
- Live (adj): To be alive or have life
- Presenter: Someone who introduces a television or radio show – Presentador
- Reality show: Television programme about ordinary people who are filmed in real situations – Reality Show
- Remote control: Piece of equipment that you hold in your hand and use to control a television, DVD player, etc. – Mando a Distancia
- Series: Regularly presented television programs which normally tells an uncompleted action and keep getting completed chapter to chapter. – Serie
- Sports programme: TV program that usually broadcasts games of different sports. – Programa de Deportes
- Switch on/off: Start or stop a device powered by electricity – Encender y Apagar
- The news: Information or reports about recent events – Noticias
- Turn on/off: Make a piece of equipment start or stop working by pressing a button or moving a switch – Encender/ Apagar
- Sitcom: Amusing TV series about fictional characters. Also known as a situation comedy. – Comedia de Situación
- Soap: Fictional drama about people’s daily lives. – Culebrón
- Travel or Holiday: Show that features popular holiday destinations or travel reviews.
- Kids/Children’s: TV programmes produced for children – Programas Infantiles
- Makeover: Show that helps people change their image or lifestyle. – Programa de Remodelación
Feelings Vocabulary
- Awful: Extremely bad – Terrible
- Boring: Not interesting or exciting – Aburrido
- Cool: Calm and not worried or frightened – Guay
- Exciting: Making you feel excited – Emocionante
- Funny: Humorous; causing laughter – Gracioso
- Informative: Providing a lot of useful information – Informativo
- Interesting: Someone or something that keeps your attention – Interesante
- Moving: Causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy – Emotivo
- Popular: Liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people – Popular
- Scary: Frightening – Escalofriante
- Confusing: Something that makes you feel confused because it is difficult to understand – Confuso
- Disappointed: Unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected. – Decepcionado
- Embarrassed: Feeling ashamed or shy. – Avergonzado
- Excited: Feeling very happy and enthusiastic. – Excitado
- Frightened: Feeling fear or worry. – Asustado
- Interested: Wanting to give your attention to something and discover more about it – Interesado
- Moved: Having strong feelings of sadness or sympathy – Conmovido
- Relaxed: Feeling happy and comfortable because nothing is worrying you. – Relajado
- Surprised: Showing surprise because something has happened that you did not expect – Sorprendido
- Tired: Need of rest or sleep – Cansado