Vocabulary, Grammar, and Writing Skills for English Learners

Vocabulary: Unit 6: Pastime: pasatiempos, Belongings: pertenencias, Shopkeeper: tendero/ Gear: equipo, Get rid of: deshacerse, Debts: deudas, Out of bounds: fuera de límites, Stuff: cosas/ Bonfires: fogatas, Nag: fastidiar, Teased: embromado, Refund: devolución, Receipt: recibo, Sweatshop: explotación, Bargain: ganga, Afford: permitir, Splurge: derrochar, Merchandise: mercancías, Carry: llevar u obtener, Price-conscious: consciente del precio/ Pick out: elegir, Shop around: dar vueltas, Stock up on: abastecerse, Give out: repartir, Snap up: apoderarse/ Make: an Appointment, a Cake, a Deal, a Fortune, a Decision, an Impression, an Effort, a Mistake, a Journey, a Mess, a Noise, an Offer, a Phone call, a Promise, Friends, the Bed, Trouble, no Difference, Plans, Progress, a Suggestion, a Speech, War, Love, Living, Excuse, a Statement, Money, Plans, sense, Sure, the Most of, Your duty Do: an Exam, an Exercise, a Good job, a Favor, a Lot of damage, Your best, Business, For a living, Exercise, Harm, the Housework, Shopping, the Dusting, Research, It yourself, More harm than good, a Favor, One’s duty, One’s best, Well, Badly .Pay: a Debt, a Visit, a Compliment, the Bills, Attention, a Fortune, the Price. Phrasal Verbs: Break down: espallarse, Break up: separarse, Carry on: continuar, Come to: pujar, Cut down: reducir, Deal with: ocuparse, Fill in: omplir doc, Get along: avenirse, Get rid of: librarse, Give out: agotar, Go on: durar, Hang on: esperarse, Hold on: esperarse, Look after: tener cuidado de, Look for: buscar, Look forward to: tener ganas, Pick out: triar, Pick up: adquirir, Run out of: quedarse sin, Shop around: dar vueltas, Snap up: no dejar escapar, Stock up on: proveerse de, Take up: comenzar afición, Tear apart: trencar corazón, Try on: probarse, Turn into: convertirse, Use up: exhaurir.

A Little Writing: Opinion Essay: It is well known that… In order to help deal with this issue, some… While this suggestion may sound like a good way to… In my opinion, it will… // First of all, a… It’s a fact that many… // Secondly, I believed that the more… In addition… // In short/In conclusion… tralalala. An Informal Letter: Dear Harry// Thanks for your email! It’s great the summer is nearly here, isn’t it?// The adventure holiday you mentioned sounds like a great idea…// I’d love to come for two weeks, but… I could come for the second week…// One more question for now – what’s the best way to get to…// Well, I’d better go now as I’ve got an exam tomorrow// Hope to hear from you soon// All the best// Susan. A Narrative: opening/ 3 body/ closing. Time expressions: Last weekend/ summer. Two years ago. It all began when. One afternoon. Fortunately. I felt. The funny thing is that… Connectors: At first, before, as soon as, soon, suddenly, during, until, later, next, in the end. Dialogue: “Hi Tony,” said Katy, “Hey,” Tony answered, “What’s wrong?” Kate asked, “Nothing,” Tony said, “Really? You don’t act like nothing’s is wrong”… Readings: 1. Trainee geishas are names. a) maiko, c), b), a), d), c) b), a) 2. Sugar cane was.. b) not known in Europe until the.. a) b) b) a) b) c) a) 3. Many older people believe that.. a) a teenager can solve.. d) d) b) a) d) d) b) 4. According to the text a “toxic friends.. c) a friend who can make your life. c) b) c) d) d) c) c). 5. Laura and Lawrence started a farm.. b) wanted to grow their. c) c) d) c) a) b) c) 6. According to the text scientists have.. c) due to the effects, among others.. c) b) b) b) a) b) d) 6. According to the test the health of the planet.. c) people consuming less that.. d) b) a) d) c) d) a) 7. Nas wants to join the air forces.. b) because he has always dreamt of becoming.. d) d) b) d) d) c) c) 8. The book called “aupair.. c) what Slovakian au pairs.. b) a) d) b) a) b) d) 9. The author.. d) thinks personal friendships are stronger b) a) a) c) d) a) d) 10. The narrator feels excited about.. d) Steve Jobs hardly. a) a) c) b) d) a) d) 10. Living in harmony with the land. a dry region/ play an important/ had to face many/ has improved/ has recovered/ to preserve/ to be

Reported Speech: Statement: “Many customers have requested puppy’s breath,” he explained – He explained that many customers had requested puppy’s breaths. Question: “Can you create nasty smells,” they asked Fred – They asked Fred if he could create nasty smells // “What perfume are you buying today,” Laura asked me – Laura asked me what perfume I was buying that day. Orders: “Turn on the aroma generator,” the boss told her – Her boss told her to turn on the aroma generator // “Don’t tell anyone my secret formula,” ordered Fred – Fred ordered me not to tell anyone his secret formula. Suggestion: “You should try our famous rain fragrance,” suggested the shop assistant – The shop assistant suggested that I try/trying their fragrance.