Vocabulary Unit 1-2: English-Spanish Glossary
Posted on Aug 29, 2024 in Language
Vocabulary Unit 1-2
English-Spanish Glossary
- Above (Arriba/Por encima): Over, higher up than something.
- Account (Cuenta): An arrangement by which a person keeps his money in a bank.
- Acquaint (Conocimiento): To make someone know something well.
- Actually (Actualmente): In fact, something that happens or is currently happening.
- Add (Añadir): To put one thing with another.
- Along (A lo largo de): In or into the company of others.
- At (En, a, hacia): Used to show the place or position of something or someone.
- Awesome (Impresionante): Impressive.
- Barefoot (Pies descalzos): Without shoes, having no shoes.
- Below (Debajo de): Lower than something.
- Bet (Apuesta): An act of risking a sum of money on the outcome of a future event.
- Better (Mejor): More effective or more enjoyable than something or someone else.
- Birthplace (Lugar de nacimiento): The place where a person was born.
- Booster (Reforzar): Something that helps to increase or support something.
- Bottom (Fondo): The lowest or deepest part of anything.
- Browse (Navegar/Indagar): To look through (a book, articles, a website, etc.).
- Businesspeople (Comerciante): People of medium and high rank who work in businesses.
- Busy (Ocupado): Having a lot of work to do.
- Chart (Tabla): Make a graph or diagram.
- Choice (Elegir): Choosing or the possibility of choosing between many options.
- Commute (Conmutar): Exchange, replace, convert.
- Corner (Esquina): A point where two lines, walls, or roads meet and form an angle.
- Decline (Disminución): To become lower in amount or less in number.
- District (Distrito): A division of an area, as for administrative purposes.
- Download (Descargar): To transfer data or a program from a central computer or website to a peripheral computer or device.
- Exhibit (Exposición): Show, demonstrate.
- Explain (Explicar, aclarar): Make (an idea, situation, or problem) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts or ideas.
- Facts (Hechos): Truth, information.
- Feature (Característica): A feature is a distinct property or piece.
- Financial (Financiero): Relating to money or how money is managed.
- Focus (Enfocar, centrarse): The center of interest or activity.
- Folk Music (Música Folclórica): Music originating from and passed down by the common people of a country.
- Foreign (Extranjero): Pertaining to another country or nation that is not your own.
- Forum (Foro): A place for public discussion and argument.
- Genre (Género): Type, style, kind, category.
- Handsome (Buen mozo): (Of a man) good-looking.
- Hometown (Ciudad Natal): The town or city in which a person lives.
- Husband (Esposo): A married man, especially when considered in relation to his partner in marriage.
- Intonation (Entonación): The rise and fall of the voice in speaking.
- Kind (Amable/Bondadoso): Having or showing a friendly, generous, sympathetic, or warm-hearted nature.
- Likewise (Igualmente): In the same way; also; too.
- Loud (Ruidoso): Producing much noise; easily audible. With a great deal of volume.
- Main (Principal): Most important; principal.
- Marital (Conyugal): Of or relating to marriage.
- Meet (Conocer/Reunirse): To come upon; come into the presence of.
- Midnight (Medianoche): The middle of the night, specifically 12 o’clock at night.
- Most (Mas/La mayoría de): The greatest number or the majority of something.
- Multilingual (Plurilingüe): Using or speaking more than two languages.
- Musician (Músico): A person who makes music a profession, especially as a performer of music.
- Nationality (Nacionalidad): Belonging to a country.
- Neighbor (Vecino): A person living near or next door to the person referred to.
- Neighborhood (Vecindario): An area of a town or city that people live in.
- Nice (Simpático): Being sympathetic.
- Nickname (Apodo): A familiar or humorous name given to a person instead of their real name.
- Notepad (Cuaderno): A book of blank pages for notes and other writing.
- Occupation (Ocupación): Job, profession.
- Onto (Sobre): On top of; to a position on; upon.
- Over (Encima): Above in place or position.
- Own (Propio): Belonging to oneself or itself.
- Pair (Par): Two identical, similar, or corresponding things that are matched for use together.
- Per (Por): By means of; by; through.
- Pleasure (Placer): Enjoyment or satisfaction derived from what is to one’s liking.
- Plenty (Mucho): A condition of general abundance or prosperity.
- Pretty (Bonita): Attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful or handsome.
- Price (Precio): The amount of money for which a thing is sold.
- Provide (Proporcionar): To supply something to someone.
- Quotation (Cita): A phrase or passage from a book, poem, play, etc.
- Raise (Elevar): To move to a higher position; lift up; elevate.
- Recycle (Reciclar): To process (used or waste materials) so as to make suitable for reuse.
- Redeem (Redimir): To make up for the faults of someone or something.
- Researcher (Investigador): To study a subject in detail in order to discover new information about it.
- Rhythm (Ritmo): Movement or variation characterized by the alternation of different quantities.
- Rising (Creciente): Advancing, ascending, or mounting.
- Roles (Rol): An actor’s part in a play, movie, etc.
- Scan (Explorar): To look at carefully or thoroughly, especially in search of something.
- Search (Buscar): To move around in, go through, or look through in an effort to find something.
- Seaside (Costa): An area or town next to the sea.
- Seems (Parece): Give the impression or sensation of being something.
- Shift (Cambio): A slight change in position, direction, or tendency.
- Small (Pequeño): Not large, little.
- Soundtrack (Banda Sonora): A recording of the musical accompaniment to a movie.
- Spell (Deletrear): To say or write in order the letters of a word.
- Spot (Mancha, punto, grano): A small, round mark of a different color from its background.
- Statement (Declaración): Something that someone says or writes officially.
- Stressed Out (Estrés/Tensión): A physical and emotional reaction that has a harmful effect on health and body.
- Suggest (Sugerir): To put forward for consideration.
- Summarize (Resumir): To make a summary of, state or express in a concise form.
- Support (Apoyo): To keep upright or in place; to keep from falling; to help, to encourage.
- Survey (Estudio): A general view, examination, or description of someone or something.
- Taste (Gusto, sabor): The sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance.
- Terrific (Espectacular): Extremely good; wonderful.
- Theatergoer (Espectador de teatro): One who goes to the theater frequently to see performances.
- Tonight (Esta Noche): On the night of this present day.
- Too (Demasiado): Used before adjectives and adverbs to mean ‘more than necessary’.
- Trouble (Problema): Public unrest or disorder.
- Tunes (Melodía): A pleasing succession of musical notes, a melody, harmony, agreement.
- Unscramble (Decifrar): To understand something clearly in your mind.
- Usage (Uso): The act or way of using, also the amount used.
- Warm-up (Calentamiento): To prepare for something by practicing gently.
- Whether (Si): Expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives.
- Which (Cuáles): To ask or talk about a choice between two or more things.
- While (Mientras): During the time that; at the same time as.
- Wicked (Malvado): Evil or morally wrong.
- Would (Quisiera…): Used to say what might happen if something else happens.