Voter Guarantees & Alternative Voting Methods in Spanish Elections

Voter Guarantees in Spanish Elections

Personal Guarantees

Each polling station has a President, two members, and alternates. Notaries verify the electoral process information. In case of illness or disability, voters can authorize a representative to request voting documentation.

The LOREG (Ley Orgánica del Régimen Electoral General) requires police presence at polling stations to ensure security and assist the Bureau President.

Material Guarantees

The LOREG requires at least one voting booth per station to guarantee ballot secrecy. Voters typically receive a ballot by mail or choose one at the station. A transparent, removable ballot box is used for counting.

Election Forms

  • Forms for postal voting (envelopes, instructions, etc.)
  • Official ballots and envelopes, provided by electoral boards.
  • Documents for polling station officers.

Alternative Voting Methods

Postal Voting

Postal voting facilitates participation for voters unable to attend the polling station on election day. Voters must request a certificate of registration from a post office after the election is called and up to ten days before the vote. This request must be made in person with a national ID card.

In case of illness or disability, a medical certificate and power of attorney are required. Postal services send the documentation to the Electoral Census Office (ECO) for verification. The ECO then sends the ballots, envelopes, and instructions to the voter by registered mail.

Postal ballots are kept at the post office until election day and delivered to the relevant officials. Envelopes arriving before 8 PM are included in the count. A single envelope can be used for multiple elections.

Voting from Abroad

Spanish citizens residing abroad can vote by mail. They should send their ballot to the appropriate Electoral Board, except for local elections. Envelopes sent from abroad must have a postmark or official registration from a post office, consular post, or Diplomatic Mission, certifying that it was sent no later than 34 days after the election was called.

The Ministry of Interior ensures voting for armed forces and security personnel serving abroad, such as in peacekeeping missions.