Web Design Basics: From Prototyping to SEO Optimization

Creating a Bird Animation (Bottom to Top)


  1. Design the bird figure.
  2. Duplicate the figure, create a component, and add a variant.
  3. Delete the existing birds and import them from assets.
  4. Create a prototype that links the bird to the desired page.
  5. Set the prototype interaction to: After Delay, Navigate to, Smart Animate, Ease Out 3000ms.

Creating Animated Option Lines


  1. Create the lines using frame selection.
  2. Select the entire bar and create a prototype.
  3. Create a rectangle frame and add text.
  4. Click on the three lines, add a prototype interaction, and link it to the text frame. Set the interaction to: On Tap, Open Overlay, Move In (→ or
  5. In Overlay settings, enable “Close when clicking outside” and change the position to “Manual” to move it as desired.

Creating a Carousel


  1. Create a circle and duplicate it multiple times using Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V.
  2. Select all circles, go to Auto Layout, set the direction to right, and adjust the spacing.
  3. Select the frame, go to Prototype, and set the Scroll behavior (Overflow) to Horizontal.
  4. Adjust the frame size of the circles to match the app frame.
  5. Select all circles while holding Shift, and add images from the menu.

Animating a Logo


  1. Select an image and click the diamond icon at the top center.
  2. Click “+” to add another variant.
  3. Resize the second variant to be smaller.
  4. Create a prototype interaction from the larger variant to the smaller one.
  5. Set the interaction to: After Delay 1ms, Smart Animate, Ease Out, Bouncy, 1500ms.
  6. Create another prototype interaction from the smaller variant back to the larger one (After Delay 1ms).
  7. Detach the created prototype from the frame.
  8. Go to Assets and place the prototype in the frame.
  9. Click on the frame (e.g., iPhone 13), go to Prototype, and set the Flow Starting Point to “Loading.”

Animating a Moving Car


  1. Take an image of a road and duplicate it.
  2. Take an image of a car (front view) and duplicate it.
  3. (Optional) Add a blur effect to the background and adjust the sun’s position.
  4. Create a prototype interaction from one road image to the other. Set the interaction to: On Tap, Smart Animate (3000ms), Ease Out.

Creating a Page Slide-Up Animation


  1. Duplicate the page and move the images upward.
  2. On the click button, create a prototype interaction to the page with the moved images.
  3. Set the interaction to: On Tap, Navigate to, Smart Animate, Ease In and Out, 1000ms.

What is a Webpage?

A webpage is simply a file, like a hypertext document, that you download from the internet. These files are typically written in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) or PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). Linking refers to the use of hyperlinks within text to connect to other webpages.

What is a Web Browser?

A web browser is a computer program or app designed to download webpages from web servers and display them on your computer. It understands protocols like HTTP/HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol (Secure)). Some popular web browsers include Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, Edge, and Brave.

Difference Between a Website and a Webpage

A webpage is a single document on the web identified by a unique URL, while a website is a collection of multiple webpages linked together under a common domain name. The webpages within a website typically share a related theme or subject.


Other important concepts include Domain Name System (DNS), IP Address, and NAS (Network Attached Storage).

External Linking

External linking involves using hyperlinks to direct users from your website to other websites. This helps drive traffic and can improve your website’s authority.


Plugins are extensions that add extra features and functionality to software applications.

Servers and Hosting

A server is a computer or set of computers that handle client requests and provide responses. Hosting is an internet service that allows you to rent space on a web server to store your website files, making them accessible to users. When you host a website, you are typically assigned an IP address.


A domain is a human-readable address used to access a website (e.g., apple.com). In hosting, you connect your domain name to the IP address provided by your hosting provider.

Web Design

Web design encompasses the planning, creation, and maintenance of websites. It often involves graphic design, web programming, and the use of Content Management Systems (CMS).

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO involves optimizing your website to improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Effective SEO can increase your website’s visibility and drive organic traffic.

Components of SEO:

  • Content: High-quality, relevant, and engaging content that provides value to users. This includes using appropriate keywords, synonyms, and long-form content.
  • On-page SEO: Optimizing elements on your website, such as using keywords in headings (H1, H2, H3), optimizing meta descriptions, and creating internal links.
  • Off-page SEO: Building your website’s authority and reputation through external factors like backlinks from other reputable websites.

Black Hat SEO

: Keyword stuffing / Link Stuffing / Content Spinning, clickbait / Hidden content, put a lot of keywords in a hidden way for humans, but not for the machines or algorithms. / Low quality and Outdated content is that content wich is outdated from the past. / Exaggerated Link Building, it is possible to pay for links of other websites, if google catch you you will get penalize. SEM is with an ad. The sem results tend to be landing pages to spend money. 

VPC Products and services: Enumere todos los productos y servicios en torno a los que gira su propuesta de valor. ¿Qué productos y servicios ofrece que ayuden a su cliente a realizar una tarea funcional, social o emocional, o que le ayuden a satisfacer sus necesidades básicas? funcional, social o emocional, o le ayudan a satisfacer sus necesidades básicas?¿Qué productos y servicios auxiliares ayudan a su cliente a desempeñar las funciones de: Los productos y servicios pueden ser tangibles (por ejemplo, productos nanufacturados, servicio al cliente cara a cara), digitales o virtuales. atención al cliente), digitales/virtuales (por ejemplo, descargas, recomendaciones en línea). Intangibles (por ejemplo, derechos de autor, garantía de calidad) o financieros (por ejemplo, fondos de inversión, servicios de financiación). Gain Creators: Describa cómo sus productos y servicios generan beneficios para el cliente. Cómo crean beneficios que el cliente espera, desea o le sorprenderían, como utilidad funcional, beneficios sociales, emociones positivas y ahorro de costes? Pain Relievers: Describa cómo sus productos y servicios alivian los dolores del cliente. Cómo eliminan o reducen las emociones negativas, los costes y situaciones no deseados y los riesgos que su cliente experimenta o podría experimentar antes, durante y después de realizar el trabajo?. 

Gains: Describa los beneficios que su cliente espera, desea o le sorprenderían. Esto incluye la utilidad funcional, las ganancias sociales, las emociones positivas y el ahorro de costes. Pains: Describa las emociones negativas, los costes y situaciones no deseados y los riesgos que su cliente experimenta o podría experimentar antes, durante y después de realizar el trabajo. Customer Job: Describa lo que un segmento específico de clientes intenta conseguir. Pueden ser las tareas que intentan realizar y completar, los problemas que intentan resolver o las necesidades que intentan satisfacer. Además de intentar realizar un trabajo principal, tu cliente realiza trabajos auxiliares en diferentes funciones. Describa las tareas que su cliente intenta realizar como: Comprador (por ejemplo, intenta quedar bien, ganar poder o estatus, 44) Co-creador leg. estética, sentirse bien,, seguridad,… Transferidor (por ejemplo, productos y servicios que ayudan a los clientes a deshacerse de un producto, transferirlo a otros o revenderlo, Señale en qué contexto específico se realiza un trabajo, porque eso puede imponer restricciones o limitaciones. (por ejemplo, mientras se conduce, al aire libre,…) 

EJEMPLO UBER VPC P/S: Passenger mobile app, black cab, UberX, UberPop GAIN CREATORS: Navigate your trip on the map, Automatic credit card payment, The ability to manage all trip details on a single platform, Rating system PAIN RELIEVERS: Flawless automatic payment, Arrival/Travel time prediction, Driver ratings, 24/7 avaliability of cabs Gains: Track your cab, One-click order/cancelation, Zero time on payment, Trusted driver Pains: Low cab availability, Need to book a cab in advance, bad drivers happen, Issues with payment for the taxi service Customer jobs: contact a good taxi service, control cost for the ride, wait for the cab for some unknown amount time, pay for the trip.

WORDPRESS. Contact form. Install and activate the Contact Form 7 plugin. Go to Contact > Contact Forms, customize the default form or create a new one, then save it. Copy the generated shortcode and paste it into a new page or post. Configure the email settings under the Mail tab in the form editor to set the recipient address, then save. Publish the page with the shortcode to display the form, and test it to ensure submissions are received correctly. Edit a post Go to the Dashboard, click Posts > All Posts, find the post you want to edit, and click Edit under the post title. Make your changes, then click Update. Steps of create content blog Log in to WordPress Dashboard: Access your WordPress admin panel. Navigate to Posts: Go to Posts > Add New. Enter Title and Content: Add a catchy title and write your blog content in the editor. Format Content: Use formatting options (headings, lists, images) to enhance readability. Add Categories and Tags: Assign relevant categories and tags to organize your content. Set a Featured Image: Click on Set featured image and upload or select an image. Preview: Click Preview to see how your post will look. Publish: Click Publish to make your post live. ***

Anchor text: The visible part of a hyperlink: Best mojito recipe  https://www.allrecipes.com/recipes/therealmojito Keywords: When writing the anchor text, use your keywords. The simple syrup are the words we want to position.

Hypertext (Hyperlink/vinculo it directs you to somewhere else). Non-sequential structure that allows creating, aggregating, linking and sharing information from various sources throughassociative links and social networks. Web maintenance: If externalized it tends to be a monthly payment. If you do it yourself,then it’s your own time land headaches…). Every cost of a website: Hosting: You need a % of a hard drive from a web server. You can have your own webserver, but it’s more common to rent it from hosting suppliers. Web design: The software itself in some cases. You may pay for the graphic design andthe web programming. CMS allow to do it yourself, somehow. Domain: You rent it annually and it’s pointing a physical address of the hard drive inthe web server. Web maintenance: If externalized it tends to be a monthly payment. If you do ityourself, then it’s your own time land.