Wine and Food Pairing Exercises

Wine Adjectives

1. Match Adjectives:

1-d / 2-g / 3-h / 4-f / 5-c / 6-e / 7-b / 8-a

Wine Types and Characteristics

2. Put the words in the correct order:

  1. Frascati is a light Italian white wine.
  2. Pinot Grigio is a dry white wine.
  3. Champagne and Cava are sparkling wines.
  4. Riesling is a non-sparkling wine.
  5. Port is a fortified wine from Portugal.
  6. Merlot is a full-bodied red wine.
  7. St. Emilion is a smooth Bordeaux wine.
  8. Riesling is a German white wine.

Comparative Adjectives

3. Complete the table:

Full-bodiedMore full-bodied
FamousMore famous

Wine Comparisons

4. Compare the different wines:

  • French Merlot is more expensive than Chilean Merlot.
  • Champagne is more famous than Cava and Sekt.
  • Sauvignon Blanc is sweeter than Pinot Grigio.
  • St. Emilion is smoother than a cheap Bordeaux wine.
  • Sauvignon Blanc is drier than Chardonnay.
  • Other sparkling wines are not as expensive as Champagne.
  • A Bordeaux wine is more full-bodied than a young Beaujolais.
  • A good claret is better than a cheap red wine.

Wine Vocabulary

5. Complete the crossword (crucigrama):

Corked / Bordeaux / Dry / Full-bodied / Smooth / Room

Wine Regions

6. Where does it come from?:

  • Sherry is produced in southern Spain.
  • The Rioja region is northeast of Madrid.
  • Bordeaux is produced in the southwest of France.
  • Beaujolais comes from the east of France.
  • The Burgundy wine region is in the east of France.
  • Champagne is produced east of Paris.
  • Riesling comes from western Germany.
  • The Chianti region is south of Florence.
  • Frascati is produced southeast of Rome.

Food and Wine Pairing

1. Match the food with the wine:

1-b / 2-g / 3-f / 4-e / 5-d / 6-a / 7-c

Dish Ingredients

2. Answer the questions:

  1. It’s made from cream, egg, and sugar.
  2. It consists of fruit juice, a croissant or bread, jam, butter, and coffee.
  3. It contains lobster, prawns, scallops, and mussels.
  4. It consists of tequila, triple sec, lime and lemon juice, and ice.
  5. It’s made from bread strips, raspberries, and sugar.
  6. It contains aubergines, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, and mushrooms.
  7. They’re made from eggs, milk, and flour.
  8. It consists of green salad, tuna, olives, and tomatoes.
  9. It’s made from olive oil, wine vinegar, and mustard.
  10. It consists of pasta, chili, tomatoes, garlic, basil, and pine nuts.

Recipe Instructions

3. Rewrite the instructions in the passive voice:

  1. The crusts are removed from some thin slices of white bread.
  2. Each slice is cut into four pieces.
  3. Some of the bread strips are put around a pudding bowl.
  4. The raspberries are stewed in the sugar for a few minutes.
  5. The fruit and some of the juice are added to the pudding bowl.
  6. The fruit is covered with more bread strips.
  7. The remaining juice is poured over.
  8. A weight is put on top of the bowl, and it is placed in the refrigerator.

Table Setting Instructions

4. Rewrite in the imperative:

  1. Put a clean tablecloth on the table.
  2. Put a knife and fork in the place position.
  3. Fold a napkin and place it on a side plate.
  4. Bring a dessert spoon and fork with the dessert menu.
  5. Place a wine glass above the soup spoon position.
  6. Put the salt and pepper in the center of the table.
  7. Place a flower arrangement and a candle by the salt and pepper.

Seafood Vocabulary

5. Crucigrama: Use the clues to find the words:

1. Scallops / 2. Fish Fork / 3. Lobster / 4. Hollandaise / 5. Salmon / 6. Smoked / 7. Fish Knife / 8. King Prawn / 9. Mornay