Work Environment and System Installation
Planning the Working Environment
Things to consider when planning the working environment:
- Organization (departments, linking them, etc.)
- Number of jobs
- Backups
- Identification of users (which users should have access)
- Training of future users
Application Requirements
- Multi-User Support – Networking
- Operating system readiness
- Essential disk space (DD)
- RAM requirements
- Minimum CPU
- Graphics and multimedia resources
- Need for external peripherals
Preparation of the Environment
Architectural and Electronic Requirements
Architectural requirements regarding the room and the installation, including mail within this room.
- Flame retardant materials
- Protected wiring
- Installation of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
- Current stabilizers (for power surges and drops)
- Grounded outlets
- Reduced interference (electrical, magnetic, etc., that may lead to modification and incorrect information)
- Wide doors for transporting materials
- Easy compartmentalization
- False ceiling
- Suitable temperature and humidity conditions (45%)
- Acceptable sound level
- Adequate lighting
Security Requirements:
- Physical security of information (Information must be stored in separate places and on external devices)
- Security Accessories (The server must be kept locked)
- Identification systems
- Surveillance
- User Security
Impact of the New System:
- HW: New/Expansion
- Communication systems:
- SW: Compatibility
- Users: Training
System Configuration:
- If it can be installed as a single-user system.
- If it can be installed as a multi-user or network system (Client-server)
Installation Phase
It can be done in 3 ways:
- From an auto-executable file (automatic and easy)
- From an executable file (*.exe, *.com, *.bat, etc.) (Manual)
- From compressed files (*.zip, *.rar, etc.)
Typical Installation Steps:
- Serial number
- Organization and user
- Choose the type of installation
- Storage directory
Configuration of Workstations
- Security policies
- Network user permissions
- Installer permissions
Testing the Installation
- Test at the local user and network-user levels
- Verify that devices are working
- Check that the different options work correctly
Initial Setup of the Application
- Username
- Language
- Decimal separator (.), and thousands separator (,)
Data Migration
- Data must be migrated from the old application to the new application
- If they are not compatible, data must be transformed
- The installer performs tests as if they were a real user with actual data
- A dataset is used for testing under extreme conditions
- Normally, both applications (the new one and the one being replaced) run in parallel for a period
Documentation Process
- Everything done during the installation and configuration must be documented in writing
- An instruction manual must be created for consultation (in case of application failure or simply for maintenance) [For the user]
- User manual and administrator manual
Location of the Application
General elements of the application are usually stored in Program Files, and specific elements are stored in the user profile folder.