Workplace Safety: Accident Causes, Prevention, and Risk Assessment
Workplace Safety: Key Concepts
Consequences of Accidents:
- Casual labor accidents
- Occupational accidents
- Worsening of a worker’s condition
Causes of Occupational Accidents:
- Unsafe actions (human factors)
- Technical issues
Principles Regarding Industrial Accident Causes:
- Every accident has at least one cause.
- Multiple causes often occur concurrently.
- Causes are interrelated, multiplying the impact.
Preventive Action Focus:
- Impact absorption techniques
- Repair
- Replacement
Work-Related Conditions:
- Disease Worsening: Considered an accident.
- Job-Related Hepatitis: Considered an occupational disease.
Accident Reporting:
- Report to the trade union office.
- Sick leave is considered when the worker cannot return the day after the accident.
Work-Related Factors:
- Reduced Physical Capacity: Fatigue.
- Repetitive Movements: Associated with various risk factors.
Objectives of Workplace Safety
- Safety: Avoiding accidents.
- Industrial Hygiene: Preventing occupational diseases.
- Ergonomics: Adapting work to the person.
Risk Assessment:
- Relates work to the risk of the specialty.
- Calculated by severity and likelihood.
- Reviews existing risks due to accidents or changing conditions.
- A means of prevention planning.
Preventive Measures
- First Step: Avoiding risks.
- Planning Includes: Measures, media, responsibilities, deadlines, priorities, monitoring, and control.
- Prioritization: Based on risk magnitude and number of workers exposed.
Safety Inspections and Accident Investigation
Safety Inspections:
- Performed by: The manager of the section or department.
- Requires: Prior knowledge of the area.
- Detects: Hazards due to working conditions and/or worker actions.
Accident Investigation:
- Mild Accidents: Investigated by the immediate supervisor.
- Root Cause Analysis: Fundamental part of the investigation.
- Post-Accident Action: Verify preventive measures and monitor their effectiveness.
Reporting Fatal Accidents:
- Contact labor authorities within 24 hours via fax or telegram.
- Report within the first 5 days.
Risk Assessment:
- A complex system.
Worker Participation:
- Workers should be present during regular reviews to detect hazardous conditions.
Risk Valuation:
- Based on law enforcement.
Regulatory Framework
- The LPRL (Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks), its regulations, and all laws and collective agreements containing provisions on prevention.
Obligations and Responsibilities
- Workers: Do not have the obligation to acquire personal protective equipment.
- Preventive Action Principles: Combating risks at the source, adapting work to the person, considering technological developments, replacing dangerous elements, adopting collective protection, and providing appropriate instructions.
- Temporary Employment Agency: Responsible for training and health surveillance.
- Manufacturers/Suppliers: Responsible for providing information on proper use of products and machinery.
- Worker Protection Rights: All are false.