Workplace Vocabulary and Grammar: Units 6 & 7

Workplace Vocabulary: Unit 6


Section 1

  1. Everyone was issued
  2. We have to handle
  3. The job will pose
  4. And they hold
  5. Boats are also fitted
  6. We still have to record

Section 2: Workplace Safety Equipment

  • We have to wear high-visibility clothing.
  • We have steel toe-cap boots.
  • We need to have ear defenders.
  • We have cut-resistant gloves.
  • Wear a face mask.
  • You need to wear a hard hat.
  • I wear goggles.

Section 3: Workplace Accidents

  1. On the staff hold
  2. Receptionist slipped
  3. She fell
  4. She cut
  5. Work, but dropped
  6. And broke
  7. And hit
  8. Actually damaged
  9. To bleed
  10. Injured

Grammar: Unit 6

Section 4: Matching Questions and Answers

  1. Did you work…? – g) Yes! At least…
  2. What was the dress…? – h) You didn’t…
  3. Can I make…? – a) You mustn’t.
  4. Can we use…? – f) You mustn’t use…
  5. What language…? – c) All documents…
  6. What happened…? – e) I didn’t have to call.
  7. What do I do…? – b) You have to…
  8. What happened…? – d) You have to have had.

Section 5: Modal Verbs

  1. You must need to have
  2. Reception, but you mustn’t
  3. Phones, but you mustn’t
  4. If you have to make
  5. You must
  6. Men don’t have to
  7. Everyone needs to
  8. Everyone has to
  9. And you must
  10. And you don’t need to

Section 6: Obligation and Permission

  1. You don’t have to work weekends.
  2. In my last job, I didn’t need to
  3. She says she mustn’t
  4. When he leaves, he has to
  5. In my current job, I have to
  6. Before, she had to

Functional Language: Unit 6

Section 7: Workplace Phrases

  1. It’s great that you want to do it, but you…
  2. I understand that this could be…
  3. It’s a question of policy
  4. Haven’t and we really appreciate all
  5. My position is clear
  6. We can’t agree unless
  7. Needs signing
  8. Has to be

Section 8: Matching Phrases and Numbers

a) I can see how annoying it is for everyone… 4 b) My suggestion is… 6 f) 9 c) 1 g) 7 d) 10 h) 5 e) 3 i) 8 j) 11 k) 2

Vocabulary: Unit 7


Section 1: Air Travel Vocabulary

  1. No priority boarding even though
  2. A no-frills
  3. To business class
  4. Premium
  5. Attention
  6. Treatment

Section 2: Customer Service

  1. I am usually very satisfied.
  2. Not very helpful
  3. Anxious
  4. Assistance
  5. Demanding
  6. Requested
  7. Apologized
  8. Empathy
  9. Handled
  10. Confident

Section 3: Customer Service Situations

  1. The passenger was probably anxious about the take-off.
  2. A lot of people aren’t confident about flying.
  3. Unfortunately, nobody offered assistance to the anxious passengers.
  4. The flight attendant didn’t apologize to the passengers for the delay.
  5. Neither of the passengers was satisfied with the service.

Grammar: Unit 7

Section 4

  1. Did you mention it…?
  2. Have you met the new…?
  3. Who have…?

Section 5: Gerunds and Infinitives

  1. Do you remember meeting…?
  2. Losing
  3. To changing
  4. To realize
  5. To reduce

Section 6

  1. I wanted
  2. Recommended
  3. Didn’t remember
  4. I decided

Functional Language: Unit 7

Section 7: Discussing Issues

  1. Claudia, has filled me in on the details.
  2. To hear your side of things.
  3. Has told me about that.
  4. Correct about that.
  5. I’ll go through.
  6. Please understand that I see.
  7. We’ll come up with a…
  8. Let me…
  9. I’m sure…