World Ecosystems: Characteristics and Inhabitants
Medium Landscape
A medium landscape is a geographical area of variable extension representing different characteristics from other areas.
A natural interface exists between relief, soil, climate, water, vegetation, and fauna where human beings do not intervene or have never intervened. In a humanized environment, people make changes to the environment. Few natural resources remain unchanged.
Hot Climates
High temperatures and abundant rainfall throughout the year. Dense forest and lush, perennial trees with large leaves. Poor soil in organic matter. Great variety of plant species. Many animals: Apes, sloths, insects, and reptiles, including alligators and various snakes and amphibians. The Yanomami are indigenous tribes that inhabit the Amazon jungle.
Vegetation is more varied than in the jungle. Soil is richer in organic matter. Monsoon forest with deciduous trees. Animals include wasps, butterflies, lizards, cats, monkeys, and anteaters. Pygmies live in countries in central Africa like Congo, Cameroon, and Gabon. They are the smallest humans in the world, not measuring more than 1.5 meters. Rainforest logging practices and clearing by farmers are common.
Tall grass and thick trees like the baobab and acacia. Very poor soils. Herbivores include giraffes, wildebeests, and gazelles; predators include lions and cheetahs. The Maasai inhabit savannas of East Africa. They are devoted to cattle breeding. Agriculture is rather rudimentary, and livestock deplete the soil.
Hot Desert
Annual average temperature of over 20°C. Very little vegetation. Reptiles and rodents live there, as well as people like the Tuareg. Soil contamination is one of its problems. The Tuareg are a nomadic pastoral people living in the Sahara Desert and its vicinity.
Temperate Climates
Mediterranean Forest and Thicket
The vegetation is adapted to summer drought. There is a rich fauna. It is one of the most populous areas. Problems include forestry, air, and water pollution.
Coniferous Forest
Also called taiga. Among its fauna are animals such as moose and mink. It is an area occupied for thousands of years, but sparsely populated. One of its problems is the disappearance of forest cover.
Deciduous Forest
The trees are deciduous. There are mammals, predators, and herbivores. It has been inhabited for a long time. Air and water pollution are some of its problems.
Cold Climates
It is a great plain where there are no trees. It consists of lichens, mosses, and shrubs. Among the animals, the hare and the arctic fox stand out. Peoples such as the Nenets inhabit it. Problems include environmental degradation and resource depletion. The Nenets live in Siberia near the Arctic Circle and are nomadic reindeer herders.
No vegetation. One of its problems is the extraction of mineral and energy resources.
High Mountain Environments
Vegetation is staggered in floors. Alteration of wildlife and vegetation by recreational activities is one of their problems.
Protection of Natural Resources
Sustainable development is the attempt to maintain a balance between economic development and environmental protection, as it tries to preserve the natural environment.