World War I: Causes, Development, Consequences, and Aftermath

1.Origen 1 gm

PEACE ARM. Germany 1890.1914 power rector of international politics thanks to Chancellor Bismarck. Sist devised.
austria alliances Russia and Italy. 2 objectives: to isolate France and balance in the Balkans. Guille2 the throne. More aggressive policies. Bism deposition. Armed peace: triple alliance alem, aust, it. Grancia, Russia gb entente. Russia abandons x problems in Balkans. Arms race.
colonial issues cause problems. Two crises in Morocco. Eastern question (Ottoman imp. Austria and Russia wanted to take.
Franz Ferdinand dies Serbian attack. Austria gives ultimatum to Serbia. Accept 25 June. 28 declares war. Alem. Declares war on Russia and then France. Alem attack France. Gb says g. Into German. Italy not endorse anyone breaks the t. Alliance.

Development 14-18 gm

all powers face. G. MOVEMENTS(August 14) German Schlieffen plan to attack France through Belgium. Detained in battle d d marne near paris G OF POSITIONS (14, 17) break intenga alem d verdun battle fronts (2-16) and British somme (7 16) evil. C. Loss of life thousands dead> medit. British tried to take the Bosphorus and Dardanelles. Turq isolate. Fail gallipoli 15> d africa Conq German colonies. X British except tanganika and d x japan asia. > East / 2 allies occupied Palestinian, Syrian, Saudi and Iraq with the help of Arab nationalists. <<Naval conflict. British fleet blockading German submarine warfare. CRISIS 17> rev. Russian. Tsar outside. Gobireno communist. Russia abandons war and gave place to Germany. > U.S. Goes to war. Sold supplies. Germans tried to avoid it. After sinking of the Lusitania 15 million brings to Allied soldiers and powerful industry. OFFENSIVE AND END OF 18 Russian withdrawal, elemana spring offensive, the U.S. Makes it fail. Allied offensive. No problem. Independence movements austria, germany
Spartacus revolution. Surrendered. Turq, Austria and Germany, abdicates guille2.


is called the Great querra. Cruel. Trenches. 8 million dead serious consequence. War of endurance and wear. Incorporation war economy d women. Achieved political rights. Propaganda was a weapon. Intelligence develops. Invest in scientific research to make weapons more deadly and efficient production and technical improvements

4consecuencias of conflict and peace organization

peace from paris: set d treaties signed x countries in arrears. Ideological basis were 14 pts presented by the U.S. Presi d wilson. Prevent German resurgence, balance d powers, to avoid isolating Russia revolutionary contagion.

Treaty of Versailles

Germany loses colonies d q are taken over France and UK. Alsace and Lorraine to France. Poznan West Prussia to Poland. Saarland admin. 15 aƱos.Imperio austrhun French. Fragments in Austria, Czech Ungria. Lost favor d yokes. Pol and rum. Ottoman d s makes Turkish republic. Syria to France, Iraq and pales to gb and islands and Geci it. Poland receives terr. Russians, Austrians and Germans. Romania received Transylvania. Establishing Yugoslavia. Meets Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Montenegro and Macedonia.
D Versailles Treaty imposed. D war d pay reparations. Not respect d wilson 14 points. U.S. Isolation. German revenge. D society creates nations.


ny becomes world financial center. Germany lost a lot. Lower part. Were introduced democratic regimes, generate tension and social upheavals .. Fear of a communist revolution. In some countries, dictatorial regimes. Mussolini 1922.
Germany could not pay the reparations owed to France q and France could not pay the United States. French army occupied the Ruhr region (1923) d richest hoard alem.Querian German mines. Strikes. U.S. Puts the Dawes Plan. Germany receives U.S. Loan to pay. Going well. Result: Treaty of Locarno (25) Germany recognized borders. Without military areas controlled by British and Italian. Alem. A society of nations. Spirit of Locarno. Everything cool. Happy 20’s

30s crisis

overproduction (d war economy ….) Speculation (falsify accounts, seems Q had money, raise interest and ruin companies) d bag crisis. Black Thursday (24 Oct 29) Consequences: increased unemployment. Less pay. Global scale because: reudjo U.S. Imports. Crisis exporters. Repatriate capital provided by dawes plan, start spreading crisis x Europe (Germany and Austria) Solutions: New Deal. + tate interventions in public econom.Obras, grants agrucultura pr. The s.De nac. London conference calls d (33) failure .–> loss of confidence in democracy. No part support increases. Common. Burgss meds and former right support. Velopment. Part. Fascists. New wave d dictation. Trinfo reg. Nazi alem