World War I: Key Events, Impacts, and Aftermath

Trench Warfare

Trench warfare was a defining feature of World War I, particularly on the Western Front. It was a long and arduous form of combat. The Battle of Verdun, intended to break the Allied front, saw French soldiers endure without yielding an inch of ground. The Allies attempted an offensive on the Somme but were unsuccessful. In these two battles, the Allies lost around a million soldiers. On the Eastern Front, a Russian offensive initially shocked the Germans. However, a new German offensive star reconquered territories occupied by the Russians and conquered Poland and Lithuania.

Naval and Aerial Warfare

Naval warfare saw significant development throughout the conflict in European waters, primarily featuring German ships and submarines. They attacked British merchant ships, disrupting the flow of resources to the Allies. The sinking of the Lusitania, with 300 American passengers, was a major event that contributed to the U.S. entry into the war. The air war’s primary objective was to gain control of the skies, observe enemy positions, and gather intelligence on their strategies.

Crisis of 1917

A feeling of disappointment and frustration swept over Europe in 1917. The war seemed endless, and life on the front was unbearable for the soldiers. Hunger, misery, and the initial excitement of the war were disappearing. Strikes, widespread protests, and riots occurred. The outbreak of the Russian Revolution caused a significant change in the situation. The new Russian government sought an armistice, left the war, and signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Central Powers.

End of the War

In 1918, the final outcome of the conflict occurred. On the Balkan front, British, French, and Italian forces defeated the Turks, Bulgarians, and Austrians. The Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary requested an armistice, and fighting ceased. The Czechs announced their intention to form their own state, and Hungary broke all ties with Austria. On November 3rd, the Austrian Empire surrendered, and the emperor abdicated. On the Western Front, the Germans initially took advantage of the Russian withdrawal to launch a series of offensives. However, the Allies reorganized their armies and won a decisive victory in the Marne area. The German Reich began to collapse. The republic was proclaimed, and the new German government signed the armistice, ending the First World War.

Consequences of World War I

Demographic and Economic Effects

The human losses were staggering, with nearly 8 million people killed. This figure does not include the additional mortality from lack of food, poor hygiene, and the influenza epidemic of 1918. The war primarily affected men between the ages of 20 and 40. The conflict resulted in the permanent loss of European hegemony in the global economy. All participating countries were left heavily in debt. America emerged as the biggest beneficiary of the war, with its economy becoming the world leader. Its gross domestic product doubled. In addition, the U.S. fleet replaced Britain’s as the dominant naval power. The dollar replaced the pound sterling as the primary international currency. The war also benefited Japan, which increased its production to meet European orders for firepower.

Political and Territorial Consequences

The war led to the breakup of the great empires and the emergence of new states. There were also significant political changes. The traditional dynasties of the great empires were dethroned, and democracy gained ground. Several states proclaimed themselves democratic and constitutional republics. Universal male suffrage was introduced in most of Europe, and, more importantly, women’s suffrage was recognized in several countries.

Social Changes

The war disrupted the social fabric of many countries. Newly rich families emerged, having benefited from war-related businesses, and they flaunted their economic power in the face of widespread need. Poverty primarily affected fixed-income holders and employees. European colonial hegemony began to be challenged, as many colonized people expected a better situation after the war. The war also gave women a new role in society. Their clothes became shorter and more comfortable, they gained the right to drive cars, and they could speak more freely.