Yelp Dataset Analysis with Spark: Business Insights
Yelp Dataset Analysis with Spark
This document outlines a Spark-based analysis of the Yelp dataset to extract valuable business insights. The analysis includes category-based business performance, user review patterns, and location-specific trends.
Data Loading and Preparation
First, we load the business data from a JSON file:
val path = "/Users/ishanhanda/Downloads/yelp_dataset_challenge_round9/yelp_academic_dataset_business.json"
val businessDF =
Next, we flatten the categories array:
val businessCategoryFlattenedDF = businessDF.withColumn("category", explode(
when(col("categories").isNotNull, col("categories"))
Business Analysis by City and Category
We group businesses by city and category to calculate the sum of review counts:
val businessByCityDF = businessCategoryFlattenedDF.groupBy("city", "category").sum("review_count")
Average Stars by City and Category
We calculate the average star rating for each category within each city:
val businessByCityAverageStarsDF = businessCategoryFlattenedDF.groupBy("category", "city").mean("stars").sort($"category", $"avg(stars)".desc)
Wisconsin Business Analysis
We filter businesses within specific latitude and longitude coordinates in Wisconsin and calculate the average star rating by category:
val wisconsinsDF = businessCategoryFlattenedDF
.filter("latitude > 42.908333 AND latitude < 43.241667 AND longitude > -89.583889 AND longitude < -89.250556")
User and Review Data Loading
We load user and review data from JSON files:
val path_users = "/Users/ishanhanda/Downloads/yelp_dataset_challenge_round9/yelp_academic_dataset_user.json"
val userDF =
val path_reviews = "/Users/ishanhanda/Downloads/yelp_dataset_challenge_round9/yelp_academic_dataset_review.json"
val reviewDF =
Top 10 Users and Their Category Preferences
We identify the top 10 users based on their review count and analyze their preferred business categories:
val top10Users = userDF
val joinUsers_Reviews = top10Users.join(reviewDF, top10Users("user_id") <=> reviewDF("user_id")).drop(reviewDF("user_id"))
val top10_StarsByCategory = joinUsers_Reviews
.join(businessCategoryFlattenedDF, joinUsers_Reviews("business_id") <=> businessCategoryFlattenedDF("business_id"))
.groupBy("name", "user_id", "category")
Food Business Analysis in Wisconsin
We analyze food-related businesses in Wisconsin, focusing on top and bottom performers:
val business_Food = businessCategoryFlattenedDF
.filter("latitude > 42.908333 AND latitude < 43.241667 AND longitude > -89.583889 AND longitude < -89.250556")
.filter("category LIKE '%Food%' ")
val top10DF = business_Food.sort($"stars".desc).limit(10)
val bottom10DF = business_Food.sort($"stars").limit(10)
Review Analysis by Month (January to May)
We analyze reviews from January to May for the top and bottom 10 food businesses:
val reviewDF_month = reviewDF.withColumn("month", month(col("date").cast("date")))
.filter("month >= 1 AND month <= 5")
val avgTop10 = top10DF
.join(reviewDF_month, reviewDF_month("business_id") <=> top10DF("business_id"))
.groupBy("business_id", "name", "month")
val avgBottom10 = bottom10DF
.join(reviewDF_month, reviewDF_month("business_id") <=> bottom10DF("business_id"))
.groupBy("business_id", "name", "month")